Friday, 28 March 2025 The doctoral thesis defence of Meta Lavrič
Meta Lavrič, student of the doctoral study programe Suicidology and Mental Health (in Slovene) at UP FAMNIT will defend her doctoral thesis Doživljanje pripovedovanja zgodb: razvoj in deljenje pisanih zgodb kot intervencija za krepitev duševnega zdravja pri vratarjih sistema (Experiencing Storytelling: Developing and Sharing Written Stories as an Intervention to Strengthen Mental Health in Gatekeepers), under the mentorship of Prof. Vita Poštuvan, PhD.
The defence will take place on Tuesday, 8 April 2025 at 11:30 in the Conference Room UP FAMNIT (Glagoljaška 8, ground floor).
The doctoral disertation is available in the University Library.
You are kindly invited!