University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Monday, 21 May 2018 Successful awarding ceremony of University of Primorska International Mathematics Competition 2018

On Friday, May 18th, a ceremony was held in Prishtina (Kosovo), as the final part of the University of Primorska International Mathematics Competition 2018. The competition was organized and carried out by UP FAMNIT professors and students, and it was supported by the municipalities of Prishtina and Peja.

The event, which took place at the Directorate for Education of the Municipality of Prishtina, was attended by the representatives of the local authorities and, of course, by students from various secondary schools who participated in the competition on April 16th (more on this link).

The participants were addressed by the Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD who emphasized the importance of having a highly educated population. Young countries have to offer young people the opportunity to study abroad, but then they need to attract the same young people back and provide them with the opportunity to participate in the development of the country. His final thought was: »For a small and a young country, each young person who does not return, is already a too big loss

Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD highlighted the international engagement of UP FAMNIT, where each year students from more and more countries decide to study. Similar ideas about the importance of having international opportunities were shared by the Deputy Mayor of Pristina, Selim Pacolli and Jonuz Salihaj, Director of the Education Department of the Municipality of Prishtina.



On the picture: Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD, Jonuz Salihaj (Director of the Education Department of the Municipality of Prishtina) and Deputy Mayor of Prishtina Selim Pacolli.

Among the 19 participants, the winner of the competition was Besfort Shala, who was awarded the scholarship to study at the University of Primorska.

In addition, our university received the acknowledgment for the excellent cooperation with the Municipality of Prishtina, while UP FAMNIT student Eda Kaja and Lisa Qarkaxhi received a special certificate of appreciation for their efforts in organizing the competition.


Congratulations to all participants of the competition and specially to the winner of the UP Scholarship!