University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies


On Saturday, 7 October 2023, the third edition of ŠtartUP - a social and sporting event aimed at welcoming all University of Primorska students - took place in the Žusterna Seaside Park.   


The event is aimed at introducing the new students to older students and getting to know each other, as well as a more personal approach to the students, as the contact offices, who are in contact with the students throughout their studies (international offices, student affairs offices), presented them with content that will help them in their studies. Last but not least, the event was also attended by the pedagogical staff, so they were able to make personal contacts, which, due to the smaller groups, is an advantage of studying at the University of Primorska.   


Alongside UP members, the University's centers and units were also presented, which are also dedicated to cooperation with the wider community and to linking the University's content with the environment. This year, also the UP Tutors joined as well as the International Service, which introduced the students to international options, especially in the context of joining the European University Transform 4 Europe. 

Again this year after a successful year last year, more than 40 local associations and organisations who recognised the event as an opportunity to present the event to students and recognised the contribution that student of the student population in seaside towns. We also received a positive response from local businesses, A special feature of this year's event was the addition of the Municipality of Koper, which joined as a co-organiser and further welcomed the students to the city.

Stands were offered with a symbolic entry fee, which was fully and directly donated to the Association "Pomagalčica Pomagalčica", so the event also had a humanitarian note. This year, more than 400 students visited the event and were welcomed by more than 100 staff and representatives of the associations, so the welcome was truly massive and enriched the event in the new Žusterna Seaside Park.    

We wish all students a successful start, progress and conclusion of the academic year 23/24!