University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Wednesday, 1 July 2020 Scientific journal ADAM included in Scopus

We are happy to announce that the journal The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics – ADAM, which is published by UP FAMNIT and Slovenian Discrete and Applied Mathematics Society – SDAMS is included in Scopus.

The journal is platinum open access, a purely electronic journal that publishes high-quality articles in contemporary mathematics that arise from the discrete and concrete mathematics paradigm. The journal is published since 2018, once a year in English, with abstracts in Slovene.

It favours themes from discrete and applied mathematics and welcomes original, interesting and important results in the form of articles and notes, as well as longer survey papers.

ADAM is expected to be included in SCOPUS in the coming months when the indexing process is completed.

Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database and is the largest database dedicated to searching and reviewing scientific literature from all fields. It covers bibliographic data with abstracts and citations from over 23,700 titles of scientific journals (4,000 open access), it includes over 5,000 publishers and contains more than 71 million bibliographic records.

With ADAM included in SCOPUS, the articles published in this journal have gained an impact factor, furthermore, the Public Research Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (ARRS) will classify them as articles published in high-quality international scientific journals.

We sincerely congratulate the editorial team on this achievement and wish them continued success in the future!