University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Wednesday, 24 April 2024 ScienceBeat event for students of natural and business sciences

Pharmaceutical company Lek, a member of the Sandoz Group, in cooperation with Slovenian public universities, is organizing the top scientific and professional event ScienceBEAT, which will take place from September 11 to 14, 2024, in Ljubljana, Maribor, and Lendava. It enables young talents to enter the global network of professional excellence in the fields of science and entrepreneurship.

Participants will gain a unique insight into the trends and challenges of the modern pharmaceutical industry and experience the pulse of a global pharmaceutical company that is a leader in the development and production of biosimilar medicines and generic pharmaceutical products.

They will also have an exceptional opportunity for networking and gaining invaluable knowledge and professional insights from globally recognized scientist and entrepreneur innovators who are pushing the boundaries in their fields. At the event, participants will also gain practical experience through teamwork on a pharmaceutical-business challenge and an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and skills in practice. Finally, they will also receive access to a global network of experts and career opportunities in an agile and inspiring business environment based on inclusivity, fairness, and diversity appreciation.

At Lek, with various projects, they address young promising students and professionals from various fields who can collaborate with foreign experts in the international environment of the Sandoz global network, acquire new knowledge and skills, develop their talents and creativity, and build their careers. They aim to attract the best individuals from employment markets, faculties, research institutes, and other institutions in Slovenia and abroad.

The ScienceBEAT event is therefore intended for prospective students in the final year of undergraduate studies, as well as students of master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral studies in natural and business sciences from Slovenia and abroad. More information about the event and applications can be obtained on the ScienceBEAT - Lek website.