University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Thursday, 6 April 2023 Regular elections of UP Management Board Members

The Rector of the University of Primorska Professor Klavdija Kutnar has adopted a Decision on the call for the regular election of members of the University of Primorska Management Board. The Decision includes the Schedule on the implementation of electoral procedures.

Pursuant to the Decision on the call for the regular election of members of the University of Primorska Management Board, the period for election procedures start to run on 5 April 2023.

Pursuant to the Schedule on the implementation of electoral procedures for the regular election of members of the University of Primorska Administrative Board, the period for submitting nominations for members of the University of Primorska Management Board is from 5 April 2023 until 17 April 2023 at noon.

The right to vote for representatives of the University from among employees engaged in higher education activities or scientific research is granted to higher education teachers, associates, and researchers who are employed at the University and have been appointed to the positions of higher education teachers, researchers, higher education associates or research associates

The right to vote for a representative of the University from among other employees is granted to university employees who perform administrative and technical tasks.

Detailed instructions and forms: 2023 Election of members of the University of Primorska Administrative Board.