University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies


On December 14 and 15, 2023, an international congress entitled »Sport through the eyes of psychology« will be held in the Crystal Palace (BTC Ljubljana) under the auspices of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia - Association of Sports Federations (OKS-ZŠZ). The Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport, the Sports Psychology Section of the Association of Slovenian Psychologists and the Faculty of Sports of the University of Ljubljana are involved in the organization and implementation of the event.

Experienced foreign and domestic experts in the field of sports psychology will give lectures at the congress, and the red thread of the entire event will be various psychological aspects in sports. Due to the short time frame, the lectures will be intensive, and the lecturers will focus mainly on creating a safe environment for athletes, aspects of mental health and the role of psychology among young athletes. Not only psychology in elite and competitive sports, but also psychology in the context of recreational sports and physical education in schools will be discussed.

The program is divided into 2 parts, namely Workshops for psychologists (both days in the morning), which is intended for psychologists, and the Congress part (both days in the afternoon), which is intended for coaches, pedagogues, athletes and other workers in sports.

Workshops for psychologists

The morning part is intended for psychologists. The workshop entitled »Mindfulness exercises« will be led, together with Tina Jeromen, by Dr. Maja Smrdu from the Department of Psychology at UP FAMNIT, also a member of the Organizing Committee of the congress. Other workshops will be carried out by Paul Wylleman, Sidonio Serpa, Chris Harwood, Boris Balent and Hafrun Kristjansdottir.

The registration fee is EUR 50 and includes participation in both workshop days.

Registration for the workshops is possible via the e-mail address or via this link. Places in the workshops are limited.

Congress part

The congress work program will start on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. and is intended for the general public. Also in this part of the congress, Dr. Maja Smrdu will provide a lecture entitled »Abuse in Slovenian sport«.

The registration fee for both days and congress material is EUR 50 (or EUR 30 for students).

Registration for the congress (afternoon part) is possible at this link.

If anyone would like to register for both parts of the congress (morning and afternoon), the registration fee will be 90 EUR.

You can read more about the event, the speakers and the organizing committee here.