University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Saturday, 3 October 2020 Orientation Days 2020 welcomes students from abroad!

The beginning of the new Academic year marked the 4th Orientation days for all students from abroad that decided to study at the University of Primorska!

The event took place in Koper and Izola from 28 to 30 September 2020, and we are happy to report that more than 150 students attended the activities, coming to UP from the following countries: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine.

Due to COVID safety measures some activities, as introductory lectures took place online, while other were organized either outdoors or in smaller groups at UP faculties. 

On Monday, 28 September 2020 introductory welcome reception was organized online where students found out some information about the university, Koper and the coastal region as well as some interesting facts about Slovenia. Along with presentation from Student organisation of University of Primorska – ŠOUP students also learned about various specifics of student status in Slovenia. 


Treasure hunt that was planned form Monday afternoon was moved to Wednesday, due to bad weather announcement, so the programme continued the next day with different activities on faculties. Among them were meetings with Faculty and Study programme coordinators, lecture about presentation of Slovene language and discovering new words in Slovene, followed by a session for filling in administrative forms regarding their residence in Slovenia. 

In the afternoon the students met up in San Simon, Izola in smaller groups to participate in sports activities, organized by SportUP. Throughout the event a Q&A section was set up, where students were able to talk to their international offices about their specific cases or problems they encountered when arranging formalities for their stay in Slovenia. But most of all, they enjoy good weather, pizza and company of their peers, paired with social games organized by University staff members.


After a busy day at their faculties on Wednesday, 30. September a Treasure Hunt was organized in Koper for all participants of Orientation Days! Students in groups of up to 8 people had to find their way through Koper, performing tasks and following clues. The winning group received a gift voucher for pizzas donated by the pizzeria Atrij. According to students, this was the highlight and the best possible conclusion of the Orientation Days 2020!


We are happy to host yet another generation of International students at University of Primorska, so that we can not only expand knowledge, but also broaden our horizons and bring together people, cultures and ideas.