The Alumni Club of the University of Primorska (hereinafter referred to as Alumni UP) is a network of Alumni Clubs of individual faculties of the University of Primorska, whose purpose is to maintain contact with and among alumni, to organize educational, scientific, and other professional events, to support excellence in research, and to strengthen the identity and sense of belonging of the University of Primorska graduate community.
The University of Primorska issues an Open call for awards and recognitions of the Alumni UP club to strengthen the identity and sense of belonging of the Alumni UP community. The following describes in more detail the types of recognitions and awards, the procedure for submitting applications and the conditions for the award, the selection process, and the awarding of recognitions and awards.
Alumni UP Award for Excellence
The Alumni UP Award for Excellence is awarded to a graduate of the University of Primorska (hereinafter referred to as UP); a member of the Alumni UP, for outstanding career achievements or outstanding philanthropic activity or achievements in the cultural, sporting field, or the candidate has otherwise established himself/herself as a leader or role model in one or more areas of his/her activity. In all of the above cases, the candidate has contributed to the reputation and visibility of UP through his/her work and achievements.
Alumni UP Award for outstanding achievements in the professional field
The UP Alumni Award for Outstanding Professional Achievement is awarded to a UP graduate, a member of the UP Alumni, who has achieved outstanding success in his/her professional community and/or has made a significant contribution to the development of the profession through his/her work. The candidate has contributed to the reputation and visibility of UP through his/her work and achievements.
Alumni UP Award "Young UP"
The UP Alumni Award "Young UP" is awarded to a UP graduate, a member of the UP Alumni, who has completed his/her studies at UP within the past five (5) years and has demonstrated special acumen in his/her professional field and/or has demonstrated dedication to community service, public service, or philanthropy, and who has achieved significant career, scientific research, or other professional accomplishments during this period. The candidate has contributed to the reputation and visibility of UP through his/her work and achievements.
"Patron of Alumni UP" recognition
The "Patron of Alumni UP" award is given to a supporter of Alumni UP for a significant contribution to the development and activities of the Alumni UP community. The award is not linked to membership in Alumni UP and can be awarded to legal or natural persons.
Candidates for awards may be proposed by:
- - Alumni UP bodies;
- - a member or a group of members of Alumni UP.
On behalf of a group of members, the proposal should be submitted by a representative of the group.
Candidates for recognition may be proposed by:
- - Alumni UP bodies;
- - a member or a group of members of Alumni UP;
- - the deans of the UP faculties, the directors of the UP members, and the UP management.
On behalf of a group of members, the proposal should be submitted by a representative of the group.
An individual may not nominate himself/herself. The President of the UP Alumni, as a voting member of the Commission, cannot propose candidates. Voting members of the Commission cannot propose candidates in the year of the award.
Candidates for the awards must meet the following conditions:
- - have completed a postgraduate or undergraduate degree at UP or an advanced study program at UP; and
- - membership of the Alumni UP.
How to submit your proposal: via the e-form HERE.
The following information must be entered in the e-form:
- - Type of award or recognition,
- - the name, last name, and email of the proposer or representative of the group;
- - the name, last name and email of the award nominee,
- - the name of the organization and the name and last name of the person responsible in the case of a candidate for an award,
- - the consent of the nominee (sample available on the webpage).
A justification of the proposal stating the reason for nominating the candidate (up to 400 words), a brief description of the candidate's achievements, and relevant supporting evidence (e.g., references, list of published works, or other documents demonstrating the candidate's achievements and contributions).
Deadline for submission: 2.3.2025.
Date for the selection of candidates: 17.3.2025
The Selection Committee for awards and recognitions (hereinafter: the Committee), appointed by the Rector on the proposal of the UP members, reviews and considers all proposals for awards and recognitions received within the call for applications. If the Commission finds that a proposal for an award or recognition is formally incomplete or inadequately drafted, it shall invite the proposer to complete the documentation within three (3) days.
The Commission shall adopt the Criteria for the Selection of the Recipients of the Alumni UP Awards and Recognitions at the time of the annual public call for applications. The Commission may request an additional opinion from a relevant expert in the field, employed at UP, or from a practitioner.
The Commission reserves the right to change the type of award, with the agreement of the candidate, if the Commission considers that another type of award or recognition, as defined in Article 2 of these Regulations, is more appropriate for the proposed candidate. The Commission shall forward the selection of the candidates for the awards and recognitions to the Rector of UP for approval.
Awards and recognitions shall be awarded once a year. The Alumni UP may award a maximum of one award of each type and a maximum of three recognitions per year. Exceptionally, in a given year, no specific award or recognitions shall be awarded, or fewer than the number of awards and recognitions provided for, if no proposals are submitted or if the proposals submitted do not meet the requirements.
Legal or natural persons may only receive an award or recognition once for the same species.
The awards and recognitions will be presented by the President of the Alumni UP at the main event of Alumni UP Week in 2025, the award ceremony will take place on 17 April 2025 at the premises of the University of Primorska in Koper.
More information:
Tel.: +386 (0)5 611 75 63
The project is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and the European Union – NextGenerationEU. The project is implemented in accordance with the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) under the development area Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, component Strengthening competencies, in particular digital competencies and those required by the new professions and the green transition (C3 K5), for the investment measure Investment F. Implementation of pilot projects, the results of which will serve as a basis for the preparation of a roadmap for the reform of higher education for a green and resilient transition to a Society 5.0: project Pilot Projects for the Reform of Higher Education for a Green and Resilient Transition.