University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Wednesday, 7 July 2021 Two new projects for scientific research cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of Primorska has obtained five new projects for the scientific research cooperation between Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina from July 2021 to June 2023. The Slovenian Research Agency will co-finance projects in the field of archaeology, economics and mathematics

The public tender co-finances mutual visits of researchers from Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, that are cooperating in joint scientific research projects with the aim of strengthening cooperation between the two countries, increasing the mobility of researchers and the submission of applications of EU and other international grants. 

The co-funded projects led by UP FAMNIT and UP IAM employees are:

Title: Analysis of bent Boolean functions in terms of new metrics
Institutions: UP Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, and University of Tuzla, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
UP project leader: dr. Samir Hodžić
Field: mathematics

The main goal of the project is to revise the notion of a metric used for defining the distance between Boolean functions, with the special focus on achieving the bentness property. Traditionally, the well-known Hamming metric is used to define the distance between two Boolean functions, which is defined as the cardinality of the set of inputs on which given two functions differ. Based on this metric, we say that a Boolean function is bent if it stands at maximal distance to the space of linear functions. Hence, the bentness property of Boolean functions is directly related to the definition of the underlying metric.

Title: Semi-simples algebras associated to directed graphs and its applications
Institutions: UP Institute Andrej Marušič and University in Zenica, Faculty of Philosophy
Project leader at UP: dr. Safet Penjić
Field: mathematics

Matrix multiplication (MM) is a basic operation of linear algebra, which has numerous applications to the theory and practice of computation. Importance of applications are due to the fact that MM is a substantial part of several successful algorithms for other computational problems of linear algebra and combinators, such as the solution of a system of linear equations, matrix inversion, the evaluation of the determinant of a matrix, Boolean MM and the transitive closure of a graph. In this project we will study vector space of matrices generated by adjacency matrix of a directed graph.