University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Friday, 2 September 2016 Famnit successful also in obtaining Erasmus+ projects

UP FAMNIT is more and more successful also in obtaining support for projects under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. Besides mobilities, Erasmus+ supports also cooperation projects between partner institutions.

Thus, we implement mobility projects for students and staff between programme states each year. Since 2015 we are also obtaining support for mobilities with partner states. This year, we were especially successful, as we obtained almost €100,000, which will enable us to support 31 mobilities of students and staff with partner states: 

Simultaneously are UP FAMNIT and UP IAM implementing 4 additional projects with partner organisations: 

ECCUM - Establishment of Computing Centres and Curriculum Development in Mathematical Engineering Master Programme 

We are participating as a mentor organisation and together with the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and POLITO (Italy) we are helping five universities from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan to establish a Master programme in mathematical engineering and to establish computing centres at their universities. More about the project, can be read on the project website here. 

Financed centrally through the EACEA.  

ERGOSIGN - Novel learning approach for ERGOnomic principles for deSIGNers working in the upholstery and sleep sectors by using Virtual Reality.

We are cooperating with companies and educational institutions from Romania, Spain and Poland with an aim to provide on-line learning materials (applying also the principles of virtual reality) on ergonomics applied to the upholstery and sleep industry. 

Financed through Romanian national agency.  

DA.RE - Data Science Pathways to re-imagine education

Companies and educational organisations from Italy, Serbia, Portugal, Great Britain and Slovenia will create innovative educational paths in the field of Big Data. Contentually, the project will address machine learning, statistical modelling, predictive analytics and data management, Big Data needs, labour market analysis and value chain development. 

The start of the project is scheduled for September 2016.

Financed through Italian national agency. 


CULTURESHAKE is a crosscutting project, which addresses intercultural communication in multilingual educational settings, refugees, intergration and information technologies. Under the project, we will develop the teaching methods based on cultural theories, theatre pedagogy and multilingual didactics. Initially, in the pilot, the contentual focus of the project will be on Shakespeare's plays 'Midsummer Night's Dream' and 'The Tempest', which will be used to bring the menitoned topics closer to the students. 

Educational organisations from Germany, Great Britain, Sweden and Slovenia are participating in the project, which will start in September 2016. 

Financed through German national agency.