University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Thursday, 5 September 2024 Department of Biodiversity Summer School successfully concludes

The Department of Biodiversity of UP FAMNIT in cooperation with Škocjan Caves Park and Beka Landscape Park succesfully organised the summer school in the style of biological camps for students and other biodiversity enthusiasts. From 2 to 6 Septemeber, 18 participants from Slovenia and Italy were researching amphibians, beetles, reptiles, birds and plants. Some attention was also paid to the ecosystem services of the area. The programme also included a visit to the Glinščice Valley Nature Reserve in Italy, adjacent to the Beka National Park, and a visit to the Škocjan Caves.

The summer school was made possible by the E-Nat2care (Krepitev čezmejnih vezi za ohranjanje in obnavljanje območij Natura 2000 v širšem obmejnem prostoru / Strengthening cross-border links for the conservation and restoration of Natura 2000 sites in the wider border area) and EnGreen 2 (Krepitev zelene infrastrukture v čezmejni kulturni krajini IT-SI / Enhancement of Green Infrastructure in IT-SI Cross-border Landscape)  projects, co-funded by the European Union under the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme 2021-2027.