University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Thursday, 18 May 2023 Dates of the Election of Rector UP and schedules fort he Electoral Committes

The Electoral Commission for the regular election of the Rector of the University of Primorska announces to the eligible voters of the University of Primorska that the election will be held according to the following schedule:

  • regular elections for the Rector of the University of Primorska will be held on Thursday, 25 May 2023 from 9:00 until 16:00,
  • early elections will be held on Monday, 22 May 2023 from 9:00 until 16:00.

Voters will be able to vote at three polling stations in Koper, according to the following schedule:

  1. Election Committee no. 1 (ground floor of the Armeria Palace) at the polling station in Koper, Titov trg 4, Koper:
  • higher education teachers, researchers, research assistants, and higher education staff of the University of Primorska, who have the right to vote, by surname from the letters A to J,
  • other employees of the University of Primorska, who have the right to vote, by surnames from the letters A to G and
  • UP FHŠ and UP PEF students, who have the right to vote.


  1. Election Committee no. 2 (Santori’s meeting room, ground floor of Armeria Palace) at the polling station in Koper, Titov trg 4, Koper:
  • higher education teachers, researchers, research assistants, and higher education staff of the University of Primorska, who have the right to vote, by surname from the letters K to P,
  • other employees of the University of Primorska, who have the right to vote, by surnames from the letters H to O and
  • UP FM and UP FTŠ students, who have the right to vote.


  1. Election Committee no. 3 (Confucius’s room) at the polling station in Koper, Titov trg 4, Koper:
  • higher education teachers, researchers, research assistants, and higher education staff of the University of Primorska, who have the right to vote, by surname from the letters R to Ž,
  • other employees of the University of Primorska, who have the right to vote, by surnames from the letters P to Ž and
  • UP FAMNIT and UP FVZ students, who have the right to vote.

The following people have the right to vote:

  • higher education teachers, researchers, research assistants, and higher education staff of the University of Primorska with at least 25 % employment at UP;
  • other employees of the University of Primorska with at least 25 % employment at UP;
  • students of the University of Primorska with student status.