University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Thursday, 1 February 2018 Assoc. Prof. Dunja Bandelj, PhD co-author of the Strategic Research Agenda with the key EU priorities regarding Mediterranean agriculture

Agriculture faces a number of common problems related to the management of natural resources (in particular soil, water and biodiversity), the propagation and emergence of animal and plant diseases and the impact of climate change on the productivity and sustainability of agricultural and food systems.

Among the programmes that are focused on current challenges of the Mediterraneanean Agriculture, we can find ARIMNet2 (Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean; 2014-2017) which is an ERA-NET Action financed by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.

The main goal of the programme was to enhance the coordination of agricultural research in the Mediterranean area and strengthening the cooperation among stakeholders from the food and agriculture sector.
ARIMNet2 gathered 24 partners from 15 Mediterranean countries, which developed the Strategic Research Agenda (ISRA) describing the key priorities for the European Union and Mediterranean countries in the field of Mediterranean agriculture research, development and innovation.

The Strategic Research Agenda was prepared by a group of scientific experts - among them there was also Assoc. Prof. Dunja Bandelj, PhD – coordinator of the undergraduate study programme Mediterranean Agriculture and head of the Department of Applied Sciences at UP FAMNIT. Read the short interview with Prof. Bandelj here).

Find the Strategic Research Agenda online and read more about the project here.

Congratulation to Prof. Dunja Bandelj for this important scientific collaboration!