University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Quick Facts about Famnit 2012/13


See also:
Academic Year 2011/2012
Academic Year 2010/2011

Students 2012/13


Undergraduate: 589
Master: 79
Doctoral: 32
Altogether: 700

Freshmen (Fall 2012)

Undergraduate: 228
Master: 47
Doctoral: 8
Altogether: 283

International Students

Undergraduate*: 18
Master**: 5
Doctoral***: 7
Altogether: 30

* Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Ukraine
** Croatia, Serbia
Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Mexico, Poland, Russia

Gender Statistics

Female: 450 (64 %)
Male: 250 (36 %)

Famnit Students Share in the Structure of UP Students

The number of UP students: 6606
The number of FAMNIT students: 700 (10,6%)

Undergraduate Student-to-Faculty Ratio: 6,62

Enrollment by Study Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes (full-time):

  • Mathematics: 36 (1st year: 13 / 2nd year: 9 / 3rd year: 5 / pre-graduation year: 9)
  • Mathematics in Economics and Finance: 29 (12/4/4/9)
  • Computer Science: 90 (45/14/13/18)
  • Bioinformatics: 15 (5/2/6/2)
  • Biodiversity: 80 (32/14/18/16)
  • Mediterranean Agriculture: 21 (9/7/2/3)
  • Biopsychology: 194 (78/60/56/0)
  • Applied Kinesiology: 124 (51/41/32/0)

Master Programmes (full-time, part-time):

  • Mathematical Sciences (full-time): 22 (1st year: 8 / 2nd year: 6 / pre-graduation year: 8)
  • Computer Science (full-time): 13 (5/7/1)
  • Nature Conservation (full-time): 20 (20/0/0)
  • Applied Kinesiology (full-time): 21 (15/6/0)
  • Applied Kinesiology (part-time): 3 (2/1/0)

Doctoral Programmes (part-time):

  • Mathematical Sciences: 10 (1st year: 2 / 2nd year: 3 / 3rd year: 3 / pre-graduation year: 2)
  • Computer Science: 6 (1/2/2/1)
  • Applied Kinesiology: 16 (5/10/1/0)

Regional Breakdown (more information about Slovene regions)

  • Obalno-kraška: 38,6 %
  • Central Slovenia: 15,7 %
  • Goriška: 12,4 %
  • Gorenjska: 6,6 %
  • Podravska: 5,3 %
  • Savinjska: 5,1 %
  • Notranjsko-kraška: 4,3 %
  • Jugovzhodna: 3 %
  • Pomurska: 1,9 %
  • Spodnjeposavska: 1,4 %
  • Koroška: 1 %
  • Zasavska: 0,4 %
  • International students: 4,3 %

Enrollment History (2007/08 - 2012/13)

Study Year BSc MSc PhD SUM
2012/13 589 79 32 700
2011/12 465 61 33 559
2010/11 332 68 17 417
2009/10 197 27 11 235
2008/09 149 36 7 192
2007/08 71 46 9 126

Degrees Conferred (2008 - 2012)

Year BSc MSc PhD SUM
2012 30 12 1 43
2011 14 2 1 17
2010 8 2 0 10
2009 0 5 0 5
2008 1 1 1 3
SUM 53 22 3 78

Study Programmes 2012/13top

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is applied in all study programmes.

Fields of education according to the ISCED 1997 classification at UP FAMNIT: (42) Life sciences, (46) Mathematics and statistics, (48) Computing, (52) Engineering and engineering trades, (62) Agriculture, forestry and fishery, (85) Environmental protection, (81) Personal services.

Research Informationtop

UP FAMNIT has established close cooperation in the field of research with the University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM), where most of the UP FAMNIT academic staff conduct their research. Some professors also conduct research as part of the Science and Research Centre at the University of Primorska (UP ZRS) and the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics (IMFM).

Original Scientific Articles of the UP FAMNIT research group ("Raziskovalna skupina UP FAMNIT") in 2012 (1.1.2012-31.12.2012) (source: Sicris):

  • SCI Expanded: 89 (32/27/15/15)
  • A&HCI and SSCI: 0
  • Other: 6
  • Altogether: 95

Original Scientific Articles of the UP IAM research group ("Raziskovalna skupina UP IAM") in 2012 (1.1.2012-31.12.2012) (source: Sicris):

  • SCI Expanded: 83 (18/29/20/16)
  • A&HCI and SSCI: 0
  • Other: 6
  • Altogether: 89

Total research expenditures of UP FAMNIT and UP IAM in 2012: 1.420.556 EUR

Teaching, Research and Administrative Staff 2012/13top

The Number of Full-time and Part-time Employees

  • Teaching and research staff:
    Full-time: 89 (34.61 FTE)
    Part-time: 45
    Altogether: 134
  • of which foreign professors and researchers: 19
    Full-time: 8
    Part-time: 11
  • Administrative staff: 13 (12,85 FTE)

Gender Statistics

  • Teaching and research staff:
    Male: 91 (67,9 %)
    Female: 43 (32,1 %)
  • Administrative staff:                 
    Female: 12 (92,3 %)
    Male: 1 (7,7 %)

Financial Information (Fiscal Year 2012)top

Total Net Assets: EUR 2.2 million

Funding Source EUR
The MIZKŠ - education funds 2.024.148
The ARRS - research activity funds 110.910
Other budgetary sources (other ministries and budgets of local communities) 3.491
The European budget - community programmes 29.670
Public service - other 116.807
Funds acquired from the sale of merchandise 4.449
SUM in 2011 2.289.475

Highlights from 2012top

Below are some of the key achievements of the Faculty in 2012.

The 2012 Zois Award goes to Assoc. Prof. Štefko Miklavič, PhD

On 23 November 2012, Assoc. Prof. Štefko Miklavič, PhD, lecturer and researcher at FAMNIT UP and UP IAM and Vice Rector for Science and Research at the University of Primorska, received the prestigious Zois Award in recognition of his scientific achievements in mathematics. This is one of the most prestigious awards for achievements in science, research and development activities, conferred by the Republic of Slovenia to researchers within the Republic of Slovenia for their outstanding achievements and lasting contribution to science, research and development.
For further information on the Zois Awards, visit >
Assoc. Prof. Štefko Miklavič, PhD at the Zois Award Ceremony (Nova Gorica, 23 November 2012) Assoc. Prof. Štefko Miklavič, PhD at the Zois Award Ceremony (Nova Gorica, 23 November 2012)

Prof. Andrej Brodnik, PhD is the recipient of the Award of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of education for 2012

On 4 October 2012, Prof. Andrej Brodnik, PhD, lecturer and researcher at UP FAMNIT and UP IAM, received the prestigious Award of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of education for 2012. The award is conferred in recognition of outstanding achievements and lifetime achievement in the field of education. For further information on the Awards of the Republic of Slovenia for the field of education, visit >
Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Dr. Žiga Turk, presenting the award to Prof. Andrej Brodnik, PhD (Ljubljana, 4 October 2012) Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, Dr. Žiga Turk, presenting the award to Prof. Andrej Brodnik, PhD (Ljubljana, 4 October 2012)

Teachers and researchers of UP FAMNIT, recipients of University awards

Each year, the University of Primorska honours its best teachers and researchers with various awards and prizes. In 2012, the winners included the lecturers and researchers of UP FAMNIT who had demonstrated outstanding achievements in teaching and/or research in 2011. Award recipients in 2012 were:

Recipient of the Golden Prize of the University of Primorska, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bojan Kuzma Recipient of the University of Primorska Fund for Scientific Excellence Award, Assist.Prof. Dr. Martin Milanič Recipient of the University of Primorska Fund for Scientific Excellence Award, Assist.Prof. Dr. Martin Milanič Recipient of the Golden Prize of the University of Primorska, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bojan Kuzma Recipient of the University of Primorska Fund for  Educational Excellence Award, Assist. Prof. Dr. Branko Kavšek Recipient of the University of Primorska Fund for  Educational Excellence Award, Assist. Prof. Dr. Branko Kavšek Recipient of the University of Primorska Fund for Educational Excellence Award, Bostjan Frelih, MSc Recipient of the University of Primorska Fund for Educational Excellence Award, Bostjan Frelih, MSc View photos from the award ceremony...

Enrolment of first-rate international students

The degree programmes offered by UP FAMNIT have proven to be increasingly attractive to students from abroad. UP FAMNIT is enrolling students from Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Macedonia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine. In the last two academic years, the Faculty has recorded a growing number of international students with excellent track records in national and international mathematics competitions. In the 2012/13 academic year, a total of 6 international students with excellent secondary-school records enrolled in Year 1 of the undergraduate programmes of Mathematics and Mathematics in Economics and Finance (as compared to 2 students enrolling in 2011/12). For these students, the Faculty offers certain courses also in English.
Six international students enrolled in the programme of Mathematics in the 2012/13 academic year at a formal reception hosted by the Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD (first left). Also in this photo, the Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assist. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD (second left). The gathering was held at the University Rectorate on 22 October 2012. Six international students enrolled in the programme of Mathematics in the 2012/13 academic year at a formal reception hosted by the Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD (first left). Also in this photo, the Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assoc. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD (second left). The gathering was held at the University Rectorate on 22 October 2012.

Nastja Cepak is the recipient of the University of Primorska Srečko Kosovel Award

Each year, the University of Primorska presents its best students with the Srečko Kosovel Award. Nastja Cepak, a graduate of the Bachelor’s degree programme of Mathematics, received this award for her final thesis entitled "Rubik's Cube". Her excellent thesis exceeds the requirements of undergraduate study and demonstrates the graduate’s creative and innovative skills in solving mathematical problems within a complex context, while also showing her great potential for competitive independent scientific research in the wider field of mathematical science. In the 2012/13 academic year, Nastja Cepak is continuing her studies at the Master’s degree programme of Mathematical Sciences at UP FAMNIT.
Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, and Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assist. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD, presenting the Srečko Kosovel Award to graduate Nastja Cepak. Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, and Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assoc. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD, presenting the Srečko Kosovel Award to graduate Nastja Cepak.

UP FAMNIT is actively involved in various activities aimed at promoting natural sciences

In 2012, the Faculty hosted two national competitions for secondary school pupils. Having participated for the first time in organising national mathematical competitions for secondary school pupils in 2011, the Faculty enhanced its involvement in 2012 by hosting the 12th national biology competition (24 March 2012) and the 56th national mathematics competition (20 April 2012).
The mathematics competition saw the participation of 171 pupils (and their mentors), who had achieved top results at regional competitions. Organised by the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA), the competition was held on the premises of Gimnazija Koper. Apart from UP FAMNIT, it was also hosted by UP PEF and Gimnazija Koper.
At the national competition in biology, organized by the Association for Technical Culture of Slovenia in cooperation with the Natural History Society of Slovenia, a total of 284 pupils competed for silver and golden Proteus Awards and for the titles of national champions. The competition was judged by a panel of assessors, which included students of the UP FAMNIT undergraduate Biodiversity programme.

Students of UP FAMNIT participating as assessors at the 12th national biology competition Students of UP FAMNIT participating as assessors at the 12th national biology competition

The Trimo Research Award goes to Irman Abdić, graduate of UP FAMNIT

Irman Abdić, graduate of the Computer Science Bachelor’s programme, received the Trimo Research Award for his final thesis entitled "Audio toolkit for displaying a spectrogram in real time in the open-source system Sphinx-4 ", which he completed under the supervision of our Faculty’s lecturer and researcher, Assoc. Prof. Janez Žibert, PhD.
Trimo, a successful Slovenian company, has been granting prizes for the best Bachelor’s and Master's theses for many years, with a focus on specialist papers and doctoral dissertations that are in some way related to the company’s activities. With their call for applications to the Trimo Research Awards, the company invites ambitious young researchers and their mentors, professors and scholars to compete, connecting them with companies which could make use of their knowledge. For further information about Trimo Research Awards, visit

After the Trimo Awards ceremony: Irman Abdić (far right) with his mentor, Assist. Prof. Janez Žibert, PhD, and Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assist. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD (second right). After the Trimo Awards ceremony: Irman Abdić (far right) with his mentor, Assoc. Prof. Janez Žibert, PhD, and Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assoc. Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD (second right).

Master's degree graduate in Mathematics Peter Muršič accepted to Rutgers University

The students of UP FAMNIT are encouraged to actively participate in international exchanges during their studies. Peter Muršič is a first-generation graduate of the Bachelor’s degree programme Mathematics at UP FAMNIT. Having obtained his Bachelor’s degree in 2010, he enrolled in the Master's Study Programme Mathematical Sciences, which he successfully completed in 2012. He then successfully competed for a grant to study at the prestigious American Rutgers University (, which was ranked 61st in the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities for 2012. Since September 2012, Peter Muršič has been a doctoral student at Rutgers University.
Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, at the UP FAMNIT graduation ceremony (Koper, 12 June 2012) Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, at the UP FAMNIT graduation ceremony (Koper, 12 June 2012)

Hosting high-profile international guest lecturers and researchers

Despite being a young faculty, UP FAMNIT is heavily involved in international higher education. Each year, the faculty hosts many prominent international teachers and researchers. Likewise, the teachers and researchers of UP FAMNIT are also themselves active participants in international scientific symposiums, conferences and summer schools on their fields of expertise.
Among the 2012 events that deserve special mention are the visit of Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, Prof. Sir Harold Kroto, PhD, and the visit of Prof. Patrick William Fowler, PhD from the Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield UK, who is also member of The Royal Society.
. Kroto visited the University of Primorska on 28 August 2012 in the framework of the conference Computers and Scientific Discovery 6 ( CSD6 ), which took place from 21 – 25 August in Portorož .
Prof. Patrick William Fowler, PhD is a visiting professor participating in the teaching process at our postgraduate programmes of Mathematics (Master's and doctoral program in Mathematical Sciences). In his lectures he focuses on computationally intensive methods.
For further information on international
visiting professors and researchers at FAMNIT UP and UP IAM, visit the Faculty’s website .

Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assist. Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, presents Prof. Dr. Sir Harold Kroto with a mathematical clock from UP FAMNIT after a formal reception hosted by the Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dr. Dragan Marušič, (Koper, 24 August 2012) Dean of UP FAMNIT, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, presents Prof. Dr. Sir Harold Kroto with a “mathematical" clock from UP FAMNIT after a formal reception hosted by the Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dr. Dragan Marušič, (Koper, 24 August 2012)
Prof. Patrick William Fowler, PhD from the Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, UK, giving lectures to the postgraduate students of UP FAMNIT. Prof. Patrick William Fowler, PhD from the Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, UK, giving lectures to the postgraduate students of UP FAMNIT.

Organization of the International Scientific Conference CSD6 (Portorož, Slovenia, 21 – 25 August 2012)

On 21 August 2012, the sixth international scientific conference of Computers in Scientific Discovery 6 (CSD6) began, which was held in Portorož. For the first time, the conference was organized by the Andrej Marušič Institute of the University of Primorska. Apart from UP FAMNIT, co-organizers of the conference were also UP FTŠ Turistica, IMFM and UL FMF .
The conference, which concluded on 25 August, was attended by 67 participants, 38 of whom came from abroad. We hosted some of the most prominent international researchers in the fields of chemistry, biology, computer science and mathematics, especially discrete mathematics. One of the key-note speakers was also the 1996 Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry, Prof. Sir Harold Kroto, PhD.
On Friday, 24 August 2012, at his morning lecture entitled ‘Science, Lost in Translation?’, Prof. Sir Harold Kroto, PhD presented an outline of the development of science from the Enlightenment onwards and offered his own vision of how important it is at this historical moment to shake off all the shackles that impede the development of science.

Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, talking to Prof. Sir Harold Kroto, PhD. Rector of the University of Primorska, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD, talking to Prof. Sir Harold Kroto, PhD.

Organization of the 3rd International Workshop on ‘Symmetries of Graphs and Networks’ (SYGN III) and the International PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics (24-30 June 2012, Rogla, Slovenia)

This was already the third in the series of international workshops on ‘Symmetries of Graphs and Networks’ (SYGN III). Together with the International Doctoral Summer School of Discrete Mathematics, the conference was organised by UP FAMNIT and UP IAM in cooperation with the Centre for Discrete Mathematics of UL PEF and was held at Rogla from 24 – 30 June, 2012.
The conference was attended by 68 participants - 28 Slovenian and 40 international participants from about 20 countries.
Among the participants there were also highly prominent international researchers and around 30 doctoral students.
In the conference part of the event (SYGN II), a total of 9 invited speakers from prestigious international institutions presented the newest research findings in the field of symmetries of graphs and networks.
For further information on the events, visit

Group photo of the participants at the SYGN III international conference, held at Rogla Group photo of the participants at the SYGN III international conference, held at Rogla

Organization of an International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms in Bioinformatics (13 September 2012)

On Thursday, 13 September 2012, UP FAMNIT hosted an international workshop on its premises entitled Combinatorial Algorithms in Bioinformatics. It was organized by UP FAMNIT and UP IAM in collaboration with Genome Informatics, Faculty of Technology, Universität Bielefeld, Germany. The conference brought together 33 participants - 15 local and 18 international, some of whom presented the findings of their research on the use of combinatorial algorithms in bioinformatics and in related fields. On Friday, 14 September 2012, the participants had the opportunity for discussion and research.
For further information, visit

Group photo of the participants of the International Scientific Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms in Bioinformatics, taken in Koper Group photo of the participants of the International Scientific Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms in Bioinformatics, taken in Koper

The GReGAS project

The first year of the GReGAS project , the first European mathematical project coordinated from Slovenia. The collaborative research project GReGAS ( Geometric representations and symmetries of graphs, maps and other discrete structures and applications in science) is comprised of a total of 16 projects. The main objective of the project is to develop a geometric representation and symmetry of graphs, maps and other discrete structures and applications in science.
The supporting agency of the project is UP IAM. The project is coordinated by Prof. Tomaž Pisanski, PhD and Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD and is conducted in the context of the Eurocordes / Eurogiga programme. It includes not only partners from Croatia, Germany, Slovakia, and Turkey, but also associated partners, high-profile mathematicians from Austria, Israel, New Zealand, Great Britain and the United States.
The presentation of the project, which took place in November 2011, was also attended by a representative of the European Science Foundation (ESF) Aigars Ekers, PhD.


Publication of journal Ars Mathematica Contemporanea

The University of Primorska and the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA) are the creators of the international journal Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (AMC).  In 2011, the journal was included in the Science Citation Index (SCI), which is a historic event for Slovenian mathematics at the national level. The Editors-in-Chief of the journal are UP FAMNIT’s professors and researchers, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD and Prof. Tomaž Pisanski, PhD.
Editors-in-Chief of journal Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD and Prof. Tomaž Pisanski, PhD Editors-in-Chief of journal Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD and Prof. Tomaž Pisanski, PhD


Dean: Prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD

Vice-Dean for Science and Research: Prof. Marko Orel, PhD

Vice-Dean for Education: Prof. Martin Milanič, PhD

Departments' Chairs:

Faculty's Secretary, Head of Administration: Nataša Vraneš

Contact Ustop

University of Primorska
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
Glagoljaška 8
SI-6000 Koper

Phone: + 386 (5) 611 75 70 (Administration)
Phone: + 386 (5) 611 75 75 (Student Services)
Fax:     + 386 (5) 611 75 71