Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Ohranjanje in vrednotenje gozdnih in kmetijskih ekosistemov v čezmejnem območju


Predstavitev projekta

Naslov: Ohranjanje in vrednotenje gozdnih in kmetijskih ekosistemov v čezmejnem območju 

Akronim: FoRESisT

Spletna stran projektahttp://www.si-hr.eu/2127/foresist/

Koordinator (vodilni partner): Grad Opatija, Hrvaška

Partnerske institucije:

  • Dubašnica communal utility Ltd, Hrvaška
  • Croatian Forest Research Institute, Hrvaška
  • Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
  • Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije
  • Nativa, Inštitut za trajnostno rast

Vodja projekta na UP FAMNIT:  dr. Matjaž Hladnik

Financer projekta: Interreg program Slovenija-Hrvaška 2021-2027

Trajanje projekta: 1. 3. 2024–30. 8. 2026

Opis projekta:
Projekt FoRESisT naslavlja predvsem problematiko ohranjanja gozdnih in kmetijskih habitatov oziroma kmetijsko-gozdarskih habitatov (agrogozdarstvo) ter možnosti za krepitev biotske raznovrstnosti. Namen projekta je povečati odpornost habitatov na številne negativne vplive, kot so požari, suše, pojavljanje invazivnih tujerodnih vrst, bolezni, antropogeni in drugi dejavniki ter zagotoviti trajnostno gospodarjenje. Aktivnosti projekta FoRESisT bodo potekale v treh sklopih: 1) Analiza stanja in določitev ukrepov za ohranjanje habitatov; 2) Izvedba pilotnih ukrepov za izboljšanje stanja in okrepitev odpornosti izbranih habitatov (npr. ohranjanje kostanjevih gozdov, gozdov puhastega hrasta, vzpostavitev kmetijskih in gozdnih ekosistemov, značilnih za kraško krajino), kar bo temeljilo na skupnih čezmejnih smernicah ter 3) Izobraževalne dejavnosti za ozaveščanje javnosti o pomenu ohranjanja raznovrstnih habitatov. Glavni učinki in rezultati projekta bodo vključevali razvoj skupne čezmejne strategije za ohranjanje gozdnih in kmetijskih ekosistemov, vzpostavitev čezmejne mreže strokovnjakov s področja kmetijstva in gozdarstva, pilotne ukrepe za zaščito ekosistemov ter organizacijo javnih čezmejnih dogodkov, kar bo vodilo v izboljšanje sodelovanja različnih deležnikov ter v učinkovitejše upravljanje z območji Natura 2000 na čezmejnem območju.
Oddelek UP FAMNIT, v okviru katerega se izvaja projekt:
Oddelek za aplikativno naravoslovje

Project presentationna vrh

Title: Preservation and evaluation of forest and agricultural ecosystems in the cross-border area

Project acronym: FoRESisT

Project code

Project websitehttp://www.si-hr.eu/2127/foresist/

Leading institutionGrad Opatija, Hrvaška

Partner institutions

  • Dubašnica communal utility Ltd, Hrvaška
  • Croatian Forest Research Institute, Hrvaška
  • Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
  • Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije
  • Nativa, Inštitut za trajnostno rast

Principal investigator at UP FAMNIT:  dr. Matjaž Hladnik

Funding organization: Cooperation Programme INTERREG Slovenia-Croatia 2021-2027

Duration: 1 March 2024–30 August 2026


The FoRESisT project is aligned with the specific goal of strengthening the protection and preservation of nature, biological diversity, and green infrastructure. The project aims to improve the conservation status of habitats, support biodiversity, and evaluate ecosystem services in the program area, especially in relation to forests, agricultural, and freshwater habitats, which are facing poor conservation status due to a number of threats. The project also recognizes the importance of cross-border cooperation in achieving this goal, given that habitats and species know no borders. By promoting a coordinated response among stakeholders from different sectors and levels on both sides of the border, the project aims to achieve better-connected nature-based solutions that can contribute to mitigating threats and solving common territorial challenges, such as habitat loss and fragmentation, invasive alien species, diseases, pollution, urbanization, anthropogenic impact, tourism, climate change, and others. All in all, the FoRESisT project is well positioned to contribute to the specific objective of the call and wider objectives of the Interreg Slovenia – Croatia program, given that it has a comprehensive approach that aims to address the protection and preservation of endangered habitats and landscapes in the program area, primarily forest and agricultural ecosystems, through three work packages with specific objectives and with a strong emphasis on joint cross-border cooperation and communication. 
The project will contribute to the protection of nature, which is a priority area supported by the program, and will support objectives related to biological diversity. This can help prepare new or improved activities to prevent biodiversity loss and focus on communication and education of visitors and residents to change behavior and attitudes towards nature and the environment. The approach of the project is to promote cross-border cooperation among project partners and stakeholders in order to exchange knowledge and experience, develop plans and strategies for the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems, implement innovative solutions through pilots, and evaluate ecosystem services. The project is also aimed at strengthening the capacity of relevant actors to include forest resilience in their policies and practices, increasing awareness and participation of the general public, and promoting sustainable forest management practices. The project is innovative in several ways. 

Department of Applied Natural Sciences