Biotope influence on genetic diversity, fitness traits and embryonic diapause in the European roe deer
printProject presentation
Title: Biotope influence on genetic diversity, fitness traits and embryonic diapause in the European roe deer/ Vpliv biotopa na genetsko variabilnost, fitnes osebkov in embrionalno diapauzo pri Evropski srni
Project acronym: N1-0281
Leading institution: UP FAMNIT
Principal investigator: prof. dr. Elena Bužan
Partner institutions:
- Faculty of Environmental Protection
- Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
Funding organization: Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS),
Research field (ARRS): 1.03 Biology
Project type: International Foundational Project
Duration: 1. 1. 2023–31. 12. 2026
Department of Biodiversity