University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies



General information

Name of the programme: Biopsychology
Type of programme: academic, 1st Bologna cycle
Degree awarded: "diplomirani biopsiholog (UN)" equiv. to B.Sc. in Biopsychology
Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)
ECTS-credits: 180
Programme structure: 31 courses (180 ECTS)
Mode of study: full-time
Language of study: Slovene

Programme coordinatortop

Assist. Prof. Vesna Jug, PhD

For information regarding application, enrolment and other administrative procedures please contact Student Services.

About the programmetop

The study programme Biopsychology focuses on the basic psychological questions, such as the origins of consciousness in connection with the functioning of the brain, as well as on broader questions, such as studying the behaviour of the masses. The aim of the programme is to integrate two basic fields of science - the natural and social sciences - with the aim of transcending the traditional division in the treatment of individual and social phenomena either exclusively from the viewpoint of the social sciences or that of the natural sciences.

One of the main challenges, and at the same time existing shortcomings of psychology study programmes, is their treatment of complex phenomena exclusively from the viewpoint of the social sciences, merely brushing the surface of the natural sciences. Graduates of the study programme Biopsychology will acquire an in-depth,  not merely informational, knowledge of the natural sciences (biology, physiology, genetics, neurology, logics etc.), and an excellent foundational knowledge in psychology (personality psychology, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, ethics etc.). Graduates will also acquire a solid foundation in theory, allowing them to continue their studies at a Master’s and Doctoral level.

Educational and professional goals top

  • To acquire knowledge and understanding of the foundations and history of biopsychology.
  • To master the concepts, knowledge and understanding of research and applicative methods, procedures and processes in various areas of biopsychology.
  • To master the fundamentals of biopsychology; to be able to integrate and apply knowledge in various areas.
  • To be able to independently read and understand literature in the areas of biopsychology.
  • To be able to solve concrete biological and psychological problems through the application of critical analysis, scientific methods and procedures, including:
    • defining the research problem
    • providing a theoretical basis and defining hypotheses for research
    • selecting a suitable research strategy
    • drawing up a research plan
    • executing the research and evaluating research results
    • reporting on findings.
  • To acquire skills for collaboration in a group of experts, and for participation in the processes of joint creation of new findings and practical activities in various practices from the fields of natural and social sciences.
  • To acquire the social skills needed to work in society and for society including:
    • sensitivity to the psychological aspects of social diversity, understanding and consideration of individual differences and group and cultural diversity in various settings in the fields of natural and social sciences;
    • understanding of social, emotional, motivational, cognitive and other processes in various contexts, both of oneself and of other people;
    • ability to establish and maintain a suitable relationship with research participants (carrying out the interview, observation, test situation, data collection, etc.), and ability to communicate appropriately.
  • To gain commitment to the practice of biopsychology.

Course Structuretop

During their studies, students must complete a total of 30 courses (27 compulsory and 3 electives) and prepare a Final Project Paper.

Student enrolled for the first time in the 3rd year of study in the academic year 2017/18 have to prepare a final project paper, while students, in the academic year 2018/19 first enrolled in the 3rd year of study programme, do not have to prepare a final project paper anymore.

All courses are awarded with 6 ECTS-credits, except 2 obligatory are awarded with 3 ECTS-credits. One ECTS-credit encompasses 30 hours of student work. In addition to the student’s presence (at lectures, seminars, in-class and laboratory practical work), this also includes independent work (literature study, preparation for examinations, home assignments, seminar and project work, etc.). The courses require a minimum of 75 and a maximum of 90 hours of a student’s presence (contact hours).


Table 1: Structure of the study programme (BP-15)
Year of study  Study obligation Number  ECTS-credits (ECTS)
ECTS ECTS/Year of study
1. Compulsory Course 11 60 60
2. Compulsory Course 9 54 60
Elective Psychological Course 1 6
3. Compulsory Course 7 42 60
Elective Psychological Course 1 6
External/ Internal (Non-Psychological) Elective Course 1 6
Seminar - Final Project Paper * 1 6

* Student enrolled for the first time in the 3rd year of study in the academic year 2017/18 have to prepare a final project paper, while students, first enrolled in the 3rd year of study programme in the academic year 2018/19, do not have to prepare a final project paper anymore.

Table 2: First year of study (BP-15)
No. Courses ECTS Forms of contact hours
L SE T LW FW Total
1. Foundations of Psychology 6 45 - 30 - - 75
2. Differential Psychology 3 30 - 15 - - 45
3. Basics of Biopsychology 6 45 30 15 - - 90
4. Psychology of Rational Thinking and Logic 6 45 - 30 - - 75
5. Developmental Psychology I 6 30 15 24 - 6 75
6. Neurological Bases of Higher Nervous Functions I 6 30 30 - 15 - 75
7. Evolutionary Psychology 6 30 30 - - - 60
8. Statistics for Psychologists 6 45 - 30 - - 75
9. Research Methodology in Psychology 3 30 - 15 - - 45
10. Cognitive Psychology 6 30 - 30 - - 60
11. Biochemistry and Genetics in Biopsychology 6 30 10 - 30 - 70

L = lectures, T = tutorials, SE = seminars, LW = laboratory work, FW = field work
ECTS = ECTS-credits

Table 3: Second year of study (BP-15)
No. Courses ECTS Forms of contact hours
L SE T LW FW Total
1. Social Psychology I 6 45 - 30 - - 75
2. Psychological Diagnostics 6 30 - 30 - - 60
3. Biopsychology of Motivation and Emotions 6 45 30 - - - 75
4. Developmental Psychology II 6 30 15 15 - - 60
5. Psychometrics 6 45 - - 30 - 75
6. Mental Health, Mental Disorders 6 30 - 30 - - 60
7. Neurological Bases of Higher Nervous Functions II 6 30 30 - 15 - 75
8. Personality Psychology 6 30 15 30 - - 75
9. Bioinformatics Tools in Psychology 6 30 - - 45 - 75
10. Elective Psychological Course I 6            
Table 4: Third year of study (BP-15)
No. Courses ECTS Forms of contact hours
L SE T LW FW Total
1. Fundamentals of Work and Organisational Psychology 6 45 10 - - 5 60
2. Public Mental Health 6 30 15 30 - - 75
3. Introduction to Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 6 45 - 30 - - 75
4. Game Theory in Biopsychology 6 45 - 30 - - 75
5. Psychopharmacology 6 30 15 - 15 - 60
6. Qualitative Research 6 30 - 30 - - 60
7. Basics of Educational Psychology 6 30 - 30 - - 60
8. Elective Psychological Course II 6            
9. External/Internal (non-psychological) Elective CourseI 6            
10. Seminar - Final Project Paper * 6  - 30 - - - 30
* Student enrolled for the first time in the 3rd year of study in the academic year 2017/18 have to prepare a final project paper, while students, first enrolled in the 3rd year of study programme in the academic year 2018/19, do not have to prepare a final project paper anymore.
Table 5: Elective Psychological Courses (BP-15)
(The list shows only elective courses offered in the last two academic years.)
No. Courses ECTS Forms of contact hours
L SE T LW FW Total
1. Psychology Practicum 6 - - 50 10 - 60
2. Ethics in Psychology and Biopsychology 6 30 30 - - - 60
3. Selected Biopsychological Topics in the English Language 6 30 30 - - - 60
4. Psychology of Problem-Solving 6 45 - 30 - - 75
5. The Psychology of Communication 6 30 - 30 - - 60
Table 6: Elective Non-Psychological Courses (BP-15)
(The list shows only elective courses offered in the last two academic years.)
No. Courses ECTS Forms of contact hours
L SE T LW FW Total
1. Evolutionary and Population Genetics 6 30 15 30 - - 75

Students can also choose the course Evolutionary Biology (from the study programme Conservation Biology) as an elective non-psychological course.

Course structure and programme information for student enrolled from 2010/11 - 2014/15 (BP-10)

In the academic year 2015/16 changes occurred in the course plan. In the beginning of this section you can find the course plan for students enrolled from the academic year 2015/16. Here you can find information regarding course structure, compulsory and elective courses, and also short description of courses for students enrolled for the first time in the academic years 2010/11 - 2014/15 (BP-10):

Elective coursestop

Internal elective subjects are divided into two groups - the psychological and non-psychological electives. Students may select elective courses from study programmes provided by other institutions of higher education in Slovenia and internationally. The courses selected may fall within the study of Biopsychology - Natural Sciences, Psychology, Medicine, Sociology, Pedagogy, Social Work etc.

In the chapter Course Structure you can only find the elective courses that are offered in the last two academic years. The list of all elective courses is available in the chapter Course Structure - short description of courses.

Every academic year, the Faculty offers a different selection of elective courses from the internal elective courses listed. The Faculty tries to meet student interests within the limits of the Faculty’s resources. The final selection of elective courses for the next academic year is published in July. The coordinator will help guide students when choosing their  elective courses.

Admission requirements top

Admission to the first year of study shall be granted to applicants having passed the matura examination or successfully completed any four-year secondary-school programme before 1 June 1995.

Applicants shall be selected on the basis of:

  • overall matura results or final examination results (60%), 
  • overall results in the 3rd and 4th year of secondary school (40%).

Admission may also be gained by an applicant having completed a comparable study abroad. Prior to enrolment, the applicant must apply for the recognition of completed education.

Continuation of studies according to the transfer criteriatop

Transfers between study programmes are possible on the basis of the Higher Education Act, Criteria for Transferring between Study Programmes and in accordance with other regulations of this field.

The transition between study programmes is the enrolment in the higher year of the study programme, in case of leaving the education at the initial study programme and continuing the study process at another study program of the same degree. The transition takes into account the comparability of the study programmes and the completed study obligations of the candidate in the initial study program.

Access to year 2 or year 3 of the study programme of Biopsychology on the basis of the Criteria for Transferring between Study Programmes is granted to candidates of a related first-cycle study programme or a pre-Bologna reform undergraduate study programme, provided that the following conditions have been met:

  • the candidate fulfils the requirements for admission to the study programme of Biopsychology
  • the completion of the initial study programme which the candidate is transferring from ensures the acquisition of comparable competencies as those envisaged by the study programme of Biopsychology
  • other conditions have also been met, in accordance with the Criteria for Transferring between Study Programmes (a comparable course structure, course requirements completed)

Individual applications for transfer shall be considered by the relevant UP FAMNIT committee. Apart from comparability between both fields of study, the committee shall also consider the comparability between the study programmes, in accordance with the Criteria for Transferring between Study Programmes.

Enrolment on the basis of the Criteria for Transferring between Study Programmes is also open to candidates of a related study programme abroad who have been, in the process of recognition of their studies abroad, legally granted the right to continue their educational training in the study programme of Biopsychology.

In case of enrolment restrictions, applicants shall be selected on the basis of the average grade obtained during the study programme they are transferring from.

Advancement requirements top

For enrolment in the next study year it is necessary to collect at least 42 ECTS-credits from courses and exams in the current study year, and to fulfil all the study obligations (60 ECTS-credits) for the previous study year. 

The Study Committee of the Faculty may permit a student, who has not fulfilled all study obligations for the particular year to enrol to the next year. The student is obliged to submit a formal written request to the Study Committee. The progress may be approved if a student could not fulfil the obligations for justifiable reasons. Students have a possibility to repeat a year only once during their study period.

Requirements for the Completion of Studies

Students shall be deemed to have completed their studies when they fulfil all the prescribed study requirements to a total of 180 ECTS-credits. Students must obtain a positive assessment for the Final Project Paper completed within the framework of the Seminar.

Graduates' competenciestop

General competencies (BP-15)

  • General knowledge, the ability to analyse, synthesize and predict solutions and consequences;
  • General knowledge in the field of general psychological knowledge from the field of all basic psychological branches.
  • General knowledge of psychology and biopsychology, including knowing the specifics and differences between general psychology and biopsychology as specific science.
  • The ability to place psychology within the broader context of natural and social sciences;
  • Knowledge of individual psychology, group psychology and social psychology.
  • Knowledge of research methods in the psychology of an individual, group and society.
  • Knowledge and proper use of the psychological rules of academic writing;
  • Knowledge and proper use of the scientific apparatus in general psychology and biopsychology.
  • The ability to critically reflect on the events of social life in general;
  • The ability to critically assess developments in the field of psychology and biopsychology;
  • The ability to critically assess developments in the broader social sphere;
  • Practical application of knowledge;
  • The ability to search for and use new information and to develop information literacy, the use of modern information and communications technology (ICT);
  • Monitoring one’s own personal and professional development;
  • Development of social, teamwork, and team management skills, the ability to cooperate;
  • Knowledge, understanding and observance of the basic rules and development of differences between individuals, groups and cultures from a general psychological and biopsychological point of view;
  • The ability to work on and complete a project;
  • Development of ethical reflection and commitment to universal human ethical principles and ethical principles in the field of psychological ethical codex.

Subject-specific competencies (BP-15)

  • The ability to place psychology and biopsychology into a wider social context;
  • The ability to communicate in a global psychological and biopsychological science community;
  • Understanding of the general structure of psychology and the connection between its disciplines;
  • Understanding of the general structure of of biopsychology and the connection between its disciplines;
  • Knowledge of the concepts and research methods, procedures and processes applied in various fields of psychology and biopsychology;
  • A coherent knowledge of the basic principles of psychology and specific biopsychology knowledge, the ability to integrate and apply knowledge from different fields;
  • Understanding of the foundations and the history of biology, general psychology and biopsychology;
  • The ability to independently read and understand biological, general psychological and specific biopsychological literature;
  • Knowledge of the fields and methods of general psychological and specific biopsychological diagnostics;
  • The ability to solve practical biological, general psychological and specific biopsychological problems using critical analysis, scientific methods and procedures: the ability to define the problem, to ascertain the theoretical bases and research hypotheses, to select a suitable research strategy, to draft a plan for the study, to complete the study and evaluate the results obtained, and to report on its findings;
  • The competence to participate in a team of experts, in the processes of co-creation of new knowledge and in hands-on activities in a variety of practices within natural and social sciences;
  • Knowledge of the essentials of measuring different psychological and specific biopsychological phenomena, an understanding of the characteristics and methods of the implementation of biological, psychological and biopsychological tests, and the ability to interpret the results of such analyses;
  • Familiarity with the fields and theory of psychological counselling;
  • Understanding of statistical methods and certain multivariate statistics and the ability to use them in practice, logical and rational thinking skills, the ability to conduct research and professional work in the field of research within natural and social sciences and marketing;
  • Development of skills and abilities in the application of knowledge in various fields of general psychology and biopsychology;
  • The ability to place new information and interpretations into the context of biology, general psychology and specific field of biopsychology;
  • Social skills pertaining to work in and for society, including: sensitivity to the psychological aspects of social diversity; knowledge, understanding and consideration of individual, group and cultural diversity in various practices in natural and social sciences; an understanding of social, emotional, motivational, cognitive and other processes in themselves and others in different contexts; the ability to establish and maintain an appropriate relationship with the subject (conducting interviews, observation, a test situation, data collection, etc. ) and the ability to communicate clearly and properly;
  • Commitment to general psychological and specific biopsychological practice.

General and subject-specific competencies for students enrolled in the academic years 2010/11 - 2014/15 (BP-10)

In the academic year 2015/16 changes occurred in the study programme. In the beginning of this section you can find the competencies for students enrolled from the academic year 2015/16. Here you can find information regarding general and subject-specific competencies for students enrolled for the first time in the academic years 2010/11 - 2014/15 (BP-10):

Graduate employment opportunities top

The study programme leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Biopsychology aims to equip its graduates with an integrated understanding of the human being as conditioned by biology and psychology, and with practical problem-solving skills that enable them to apply methodological approaches from the fields of both natural and social sciences. These qualifications render our graduates employable as professional assistants in fields such as psychological consultation, and research and development, as well as in the public sector in careers that are not strictly regulated. Graduates will also be able to seek employment in non-governmental organizations, in the economy, and in administration.

By its very nature, the study programme will primarily be of interest to students who wish to learn about and explore the biological bases of human behaviour, development and personality, and who will opt for a career in the fields of rehabilitation, therapy, or reintegration, or who will further their professional development via Master’s degree programmes, research, or through academic pursuits. However, prospective graduates can also choose a career which is, in its essence, not bound to this particular field of study, as the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by every graduate in the course of this programme are traits which are widely appreciated and desirable in persons in leading positions in various fields of expertise.

Since the programme is designed to include, support and encourage the participation of international researchers, lecturers and professionals, our graduates will also be able to enter many positions in the international environment. Many of our graduates are now enrolled in Master’s degree programmes at reputable universities abroad, which testifies to the fact that our graduates are well equipped to successfully continue their studies abroad.