University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Application for enrolment


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The application and admission procedures for enrolment in study programmes of UP

All the information for the application and admission procedures > HERE

Current application deadlinestop

  • 18 February - 18 March 2025: first application term for the enrollment in the 1st year of undergraduate studies for EU citizens and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship
  • 18 February - 30 June 2025: first application term for the enrollment in the 1st year of undergraduate studies for non-EU citizens

Application procedures for UNDERGRADUATE studies 2025/26top

CALL FOR ENROLMENT for undergraduate study programmes 2025/26 (includes admission requirements for study programmes, criteria for selection, number of places available,...):


Candidates send the electronic application and the required documentation via the eVŠ web portal.

(a video of how to fill an application for 1st cycle study programmes is also available)

Application terms for non-EU citizens for the enrolment in the 1st year of study:

  • first application term: from 18 February to 30 June 2025,
  • second application term: from 22 July to 30 July 2025,
  • third application term: from 20 August to 3 September 2025,
  • fourth application term: from 24 to 25 September 2024 (until 10:00).

Application terms for EU citizens and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship for the enrolment in the 1st year of study:

  • first application term: from 18 February to 18 March 2025,
  • second application term: from 20 to 27 August 2025,
  • third application term: from 24 to 25 September 2025 (until 10:00).

Application term for enrolment in the higher year of study and for parallel studies:

Candidates can apply from 1 to 15 September 2025.

Application procedures for POSTGRADUATE studies 2024/25top

The call for enrollment 2025/26 will be published in March 2025; the information for the call for enrollment 2024/25 are presented below.

CALL FOR ENROLMENT for postgraduate study programmes 2024/25 (includes admission requirements for study programmes, criteria for selection, number of places available,...):


(a video of how to fill an application for 2nd and 3rd cycle study programmes is also available)

Application terms for MASTER'S study programmes:

EU citizens & Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship:

  • first application term: from 4 April to 22 August 2024 (CONCLUDED),
  • second application term: from 5 to 12 September 2024 (Biopsychology, Mathematical Sciences in Slovene and English, Data Science in Slovene, Computer Science, Sustainable Built Environments in Slovene and English, Nature Conservation) (CONCLUDED),
  • third application term: from 25 to 26 September 2024 until 10:00 (Biopsychology, Mathematical Sciences in Slovene and English, Data Science in Slovene and English, Computer Science, Sustainable Built Environments in Slovene and English, Nature Conservation) (CONCLUDED).

Non-EU citizens:

  • first application term: from 4 April to 9 August 2024 (CONCLUDED),
  • second application term: from 16 to 22 August 2024 (open spots for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, North Macedonia: Biopsychology, Mathematical Sciences in Slovene and English, Data Science in Slovene, Computer Science, Sustainable Built Environments in Slovene and English, Nature Conservation) (CONCLUDED).
  • third application term: from 5 to 12 September 2024 (open spots for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, North Macedonia: Biopsychology, Mathematical Sciences in Slovene and English, Data Science in Slovene, Computer Science, Sustainable Built Environments in Slovene and English, Nature Conservation) (CONCLUDED),
  • fourth application term: from 25 to 26 September 2024 until 10:00 (CONCLUDED).

Application terms for DOCTORAL study programmes:

EU citizens:

  • first application term: from 4 April to 22 August 2024 (CONCLUDED),
  • second application term: from 5 to 12 September 2024 (Mathematical Sciences in Slovene and English, Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments in Slovene and English, Computer Science in Slovene and English, Suicidology and Mental Health in Slovene and English, Conservation Biology in Slovene in English) (CONCLUDED),
  • third application term: from 25 to 26 September 2024 until 10:00 (Mathematical Sciences in Slovene and English, Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments in Slovene and English, Computer Science in Slovene and English, Suicidology and Mental Health in Slovene and English, Conservation Biology in Slovene in English) (CONCLUDED).

Non-EU citizens Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship:

  • first application term: from 4 April to 9 August 2024 (CONCLUDED),
  • second application term: from 16 to 22 August 2024 (Mathematical Sciences in Slovene and English, Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments in Slovene and English, Computer Science in Slovene and English, Suicidology and Mental Health in English, Conservation Biology in Slovene in English) (CONCLUDED). 
  • third application term: from 5 to 12 September 2024 (Mathematical Sciences in Slovene and English, Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments in Slovene and English, Computer Science in Slovene and English, Suicidology and Mental Health in English, Conservation Biology in Slovene in English) (CONCLUDED),
  • fourth application term: from 25 to 26 September 2024 until 10:00 (Mathematical Sciences in Slovene and English, Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments in Slovene and English, Computer Science in Slovene and English, Suicidology and Mental Health in English, Conservation Biology in Slovene in English) (CONCLUDED).

Candidates for the doctoral studies

Candidates for enrolment in the doctoral study programmes must do the following:

  • hold an interview with the study programme Coordinator after the submission of the application,
  • choose a mentor and obtain his written agreement before enrolling.

Candidates for the enrollment in the programme Computer Science must send in the admission procedure to Student Services ( the documents showing that they have acquired knowledge in the undergraduate or Master's studies from the following fields: Data Structures and Algorithms, Theoretical Computer Science II - Formal Languages ​​and Computability, Programming II - Concepts of Programming Languages, Systems I - Hardware.

Transcript of records and syllabus are considered suitable proofs. Based on the documentation from the candidate, the competent committee will decide on the recommendation to the candidate. Documents must be in Slovenian or English. The candidate can object to the committee's recommendation by supplementing the application. The candidate sends the required documents to Student Services.

List for proposed mentors in the academic year 2024/25 for doctoral study programmes:

Evidence of fulfillment of the admission requirements

The evidence of fulfillment of the admission requirements includes certificates and other requested documentation and is listed in the call for enrollment.

In case the certificate/diploma is issued in English, Italian or Croatian language the translation is not required. Candidates should first enquire about the translation.

Candidates who have completed a comparable study abroad must apply for the recognition of completed education prior to enrolment (as explained below in the section "Recognition of foreing diplomas".

Decision on admission and enrolment procedures

After the conclusion of the pre-enrolment procedures, each candidate receives a decision containing the information whether he/she has been accepted or not. The candidates having applied for enrolment obtain the decision on selection in September (the exact date will be published later).

If the application of the candidate is approved he/she receives also the invitation for the enrolment with detailed instructions for enrolment. A receipt certifying the payment of enrolment fees must be submitted upon enrolment. Students who are eligible for tuition must also submit a receipt certifying the payment of the first installment of the tuition fee. More about the payment of tuition and enrolment fees - here.

Candidates will enroll in the study programmes no later than 30 September 2024.

Co-funding tuition fees in doctoral studies top

The co-funding of doctoral studies will be open to all students of the University of Primorska who meet the requirements from the Decree on co-Financing of doctoral studies and Criteria for the selection of candidates for co-funding tuition fees in doctoral studies at the University of Primorska.

In the academic year 2024/25, candidates for admission to the doctoral study programme will be able to show interest in co-funding the study. Candidates for enrollment can express interest in co-funding for doctoral studies by signing the Statement of eligibility for co-funding tuition fees in the academic year 2024/25.

The amount of co-funding will be published after the enrollment in the doctoral studies, which is expected in November. The amount of co-funding depends on the number of enrolled students who meet the criteria and the amount of funding for co-funding the doctoral study.

For more information please visit the website of the University of Primorska.

Year Plustop

What is Year Plus?

Year Plus enables foreign students to improve their academic performance by re-enrolling in the first year due to the reason of insufficient knowledge of the Slovenian language in which the study process takes place.

Year Plus for the purpose of re-enrolment in the 1st year of study must obtain at least 24 ECTS credit points from the study obligations of the programme in which they are enrolled, plus at least 6 ECTS credit points from the Slovenian language exam. Students must accumulate a total of at least 30 ECTS.

Target group of Year Plus

Foreign students who do not speak Slovene or whose knowledge of the Slovenian language is inadequate, are eligible to enrol in Year Plus provided that they are enrolled for the first time in one of the study programmes of UP FAMNIT conducted in the Slovenian language. They must be enrolled in the study programme before enrolling in Year Plus.

Obligations of a student enrolled in Year Plus

In the first year of study, students must pass the exam of the Slovenian language course with at least 6 ECTS credit points. In addition to the Slovenian language course, they must complete other study obligations in the curriculum of the study programme in which they are enrolled, in the amount of at least 24 ECTS credits (in total 30 ECTS). Any remaining study obligations from the first year may be completed by students in the next academic year, when they are still enrolled in the first year of the same study programme.

Rights of a student enrolled in Year Plus

Students enrolled in Year Plus will be allowed to re-enrol in the 1st year at the end of the current academic year (extension of student status) provided that the student has obtained at least 30 ECTS credits, including at least 6 ECTS credit points from the Slovenian language exam.

Enrolment in Year Plus

Students may enrol in Year Plus after enrolment at the faculty, but no later than 30 October of the current year. The application form will be sent to students who have the right to enrol in Year Plus by Student Services.

Recognition of foreign diplomastop

The procedure of recognition with a view to granting access to education is OBLIGATORY FOR ALL CANDIDATES WHO ARE HOLDERS OF FOREIGN DIPLOMAS and have not yet undergone the procedure of recognition. The recognition procedure is a procedure by which holders of foreign diplomas are issued decisions recognising their right to continue education in the Republic of Slovenia.

Certificates that do not require recognition are those from the former Yugoslav republics obtained before 25 June 1991 and International Baccalaureate (IB) certificates (the latest are equivalent to matura certificates obtained in the Republic of Slovenia).

For further information on the system of recognizing foreign diplomas see the ENIC NARIC CENTRE Slovenia.

Recognition procedure

The procedure shall be initiated by the holder of a foreign diploma. The application for recognition is part of the application for enrolment in the study programme.

The recognition procedure is conducted as follows:

The decision shall be issued and published in the web portal eVŠ within two months after the date of receipt of a complete application. The procedure of recognition is free of charge for the candidate.

Documentation for the procedure of recognition

Candidates must upload on the web portal eVŠ the following documents:

  • the diploma to be recognised;
  • if the candidate will have to submit the original diploma, it must be legalised* on the basis of:
  • a certified Slovene translation of the diploma referred to in Item 1 (candidates should verify in the Student Services if the translation is necessary);
  • copy of the diploma supplement or some other evidence on the contents and duration of education (transcript or records);
  • a short chronological description of the entire education prepared by the candidate;
  • additional supporting documents will be required if the application cannot be processed on the basis of submitted documents.

* The legalisation of the diploma is not required for the following countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania.

We kindly ask all candidates to contact the Student Services before starting the recognition procedure.

Enrolment and tuition feestop

Enrolment fees, tuition fees and other study costs are set in the Price list of UP FAMNIT for each academic year.

General Terms and Conditions for the Payment of Tuition Fees and Charges at UP FAMNIT are available HERE.

More information is available HERE.