University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Research programmes and projects


Projects support our efforts for faculty to engage on an international level. We are on the constant lookout for resources which we could utilize to further support and expand our mobilities, support systems, internationalization of education and research at the faculty (including curriculum development, research collaboration, pedagogic collaboration, etc.) and the general support system of the faculty. 
The majority of activities on the international level are financed through projects. We have been granted project support under different programmes of the European Union (such as Erasmus+European Social FundHorizon 2020), other external donors (e.g. Norway Grants), intergovernmental agreements (e.g. COSTCEEPUSBilateral scholarships) and national resources (under the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Slovenian Research AgencyThe Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS), etc.). 

Current and previous projects are also presented under different sections of the website, according to their main content: 


  • here you can find projects focusing directly on internationalisation and COST actions (see the menu to the left)



  • Mobility support (financed through projects) is presented under the section on Mobility



Memorandum on mutual cooperation with UP IAM

Below are published research programmes and projects in which UP FAMNIT is the leading or partner institution. It should be noted that on the basis of the Memorandum on mutual cooperation, the faculty also conducts its research in areas of mutual interest through the University of  Primorska Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM). The Memorandum was signed in 2008 and renewed in 2013.

According to the Memorandum, research activities of most of the academic and research staff of UP FAMNIT take place at UP IAM which also hosts the majority of programs, and core, applied and other scientific research projects.