University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

Quick Facts about Famnit 2022/2023


See also:
Academic Year 2021/2022
Academic Year 2020/2021
Academic Year 2019/2020
Academic Year 2018/2019
Academic Year 2017/2018
Academic Year 2016/2017
Academic Year 2015/2016
Academic Year 2014/2015
Academic Year 2013/2014
Academic Year 2012/2013
Academic Year 2011/2012
Academic Year 2010/2011

Students 2022/23


Undergraduate: 705
Master: 180
Doctoral: 44
Altogether: 929


Undergraduate: 270
Master: 69
Doctoral: 18
Altogether: 357


International Students

Undergraduate*: 355
Master**: 59
Doctoral***: 24
Altogether****: 438 (47,1 % off all enrolled students)

* Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Poland, Russian Federation, Serbia, Spain, Ukraine, United States of America, and Uzbekistan.
** Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Ghana, Hungary, India, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Russian Federation, Serbia and Ukraine.
*** Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Croatia, Ghana, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Northern Macedonia, Pakistan, Philippines, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and the United States of America.
**** Foreign students by citizenship

Erasmus and other exchanges***

Incoming*: 26
Outgoing**: 26+17
*from Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Turkey.
** to Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain.
*** Statistics are dated on 7 November 2022, obtained on the basis of already present students, nominations, and applications.

Gender Statistics

Female: 525 (56,51 %)
Male: 404 (43,49 %)

Famnit Students Share in the Structure of UP Students

The number of UP students: 5.745
The number of FAMNIT students: 929 (16,3 %)

Enrollment by Study Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes (full-time):

  • Mathematics (Slovene): 20 (1st year: 9 / 2nd year: 4 / 3rd year: 2 / pre-graduation year: 2)
  • Mathematics (English): 39 (23/9/4/3)
  • Mathematics in Economics and Finance: 24 (22/1/0/1)
  • Computer Science (Slovene): 123 (57/44/14/8)
  • Computer Science (English): 151 (79/42/18/12)
  • Bioinformatics (Slovene): 38 (23/10/4/1)
  • Bioinformatics (English): 42 (18/11/9/4)
  • Conservation Biology / Biodiversity: 96 (34/35/20/7)
  • Mediterranean Agriculture (VS): 49 (25/3/14/7)
  • Biopsychology: 123 (40/35/29/19)

Master Programmes (full-time):

  • Mathematical Sciences (Slovenian): 3 (1st year: 1 / 2nd year: 2 /pre-graduation year: 0)
  • Mathematical Sciences (English): 4 (2/1/1)
  • Mathematics with Financial Engineering: 0 (0/0/0)
  • Computer Science: 24 (16/3/5)
  • Nature Conservation: 42 (14/5/23)
  • Biopsychology: 20 (6/7/7)
  • Psychology: 69 (27/23/19)
  • Sustainable Built Environments (Slovenian): 1 (0/0/1)
  • Sustainable Built Environments (English): 5 (3/2/0)
  • Data Science (Slovenian): 7 (2/0/5)
  • Data Science (English): 5 (3/2/0)

Doctoral Programmes (part-time):

  • Mathematical Sciences (Slovenian): 3 (1st year: 1 / 2nd year: 1 / 3rd year: 0 / pre-graduation year: 1)
  • Mathematical Sciences (English):  6 (2/1/2/1)
  • Computer Science (Slovenian): 5 (3/2/0/0)
  • Computer Science (English): 9 (5/0/1/3)
  • Computer Science (international joint programme with University of St Andrews): 1 (0/0/0/0/1)
  • Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments (Slovenian): 4 (2/1/1/0)
  • Renewable Materials for Healthy Built Environments (English): 11 (4/3/4/0)
  • Suicidology and Mental Health (Slovene): 3 (0/2/1/0)
  • Suicidology and Mental Health (English): 2 (1/0/1/0)

Regional Breakdown

The following shows data for 491 students who are citizens of the Republic of Slovenia (52,9% of all enrolled students in the academic year 2022/23). The other 47,1% of all enrolled students (defined above as international students) are not included in the analysis of students by regional affiliation.

  • Gorenjska - 36 (7,33 %)
  • Goriška - 47 (9,57 %)
  • Jugovzhodna - 21 (4,28 %)
  • Koroška - 8 (1,63 %)
  • Obalno-kraška - 140 (28,51 %)
  • Osrednjeslovenska - 136 (27,70 %)
  • Podravska 32 - (6,52 %)
  • Pomurska - 8 (1,63 %)
  • Posavska - 9 (1,83 %)
  • Primorsko-notranjska - 15 (3,05 %)
  • Savinjska - 33 (6,72 %)
  • Zasavska - 6 (1,22 %)

Enrollment History (2007/08 - 2022/23)top

Study Year BSc MSc PhD SUM
2022/23 705 180 44 929
2021/22 666 184 39 889
2020/21 610 203 32 845
2019/20 483 165 19 667
2018/19 402 153 13 568
2017/18 385 148 9 542
2016/17 558 176 26 760
2015/16 560 185 26 771
2014/15 596 178 25 799
2013/14 610 134 32 776
2012/13 589 79 32 700
2011/12 465 61 33 559
2010/11 332 68 17 417
2009/10 197 27 11 235
2008/09 149 36 7 192
2007/08 71 46 9 126

Degrees Conferred (2008 - 2022)top

Year BSc MSc PhD SUM
2022 85 39 7 131
2021 60 35 0 95
2020 61 34 2 97
2019 68 31 2 101
2018 95 25 3 123
2017* 103 32 4 139
2016* 79 15 5 99
2015* 89 11 5 105
2014* 90 13 4 107
2013* 59 1 3 63
2012* 30 12 1 43
2011 14 2 1 17
2010 8 2 0 10
2009 0 5 0 5
2008 1 1 1 3
SUM 757 219 31 1007
* From 2012 to 2017, students of all three study levels of the study program Applied Kinesiology are included in the data on graduates. The numbers on graduates of all three levels of the programme from the 2017/18 academic year, were included in the UP FVZ statistics. In the period from 1 January 2012 to 30 September 2017, 68 graduates of Applied Kinesiology 1st level, completed their studies at UP FAMNIT., 14 graduates were from 2nd level and 7 graduates on the 3rd level.

Study Programmes 2022/23top

Study programmes implemented in Slovenian language:

Study programmes implemented also in English language:

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is applied in all study programs.

Fields of education according to the KLASIUS-P-16 – Classification of fields of educational activities/qualifications (2021): (03) Social sciences, journalism and information science, (05) Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, (06) Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), (07) Engineering, manufacturing and construction, (08) Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary, (10) Services.

Research Information (2022)top

UP FAMNIT has established close cooperation in the field of research with the University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM), where most of the UP FAMNIT academic staff conduct their research.  

Original Scientific Articles of the UP FAMNIT research group in 2022 (1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022) (source: Sicris):

  • SCI Expanded, SSCI, Scopus (d) ali Scopus (h):  208 (96/58/39/15)
  • A&HCI ali Scopus: 10
  • Other: 29
  • Altogether: 257

Original Scientific Articles of the UP IAM research group in 2022 (1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2022) (source: Sicris):

  • SCI Expanded, SSCI, Scopus (d) ali Scopus (h): 172 (52/64/25/31)
  • A&HCI ali Scopus: 13
  • Other: 19
  • Altogether: 204

Teaching, Research and Administrative Staff 2022/23top

The Number of Full-time and Part-time Employees (December 2022)

  • Teaching and research staff:
    Full-time: 164 (93,88 FTE)
    Part-time: 36
    Altogether: 200
  • of which, foreign professors and researchers: 55
    Full-time: 53
    Part-time: 2
  • Administrative staff: 36 (30,12 FTE)

    * FTE = full time equivalent

Gender Statistics

  • Teaching and research staff:
    Male: 122 (61 %)
    Female: 78 (39 %)
  • Administrative staff:
    Female: 30 (83,33 %)
    Male: 6 (16,67 %)

Age structure of personnel

Age Male Female SUM
20-30 21 27 48
31-40 32 36 68
41-50 32 34 66
51-60 25 8 33
61-70 15 3 18
71 + 3 0 3
SUM 128 108 236

Financial Information (Fiscal Year 2022)top

Total Net Assets: EUR 6.8 million

Funding Source EUR
The MIZŠ - education funds 4.416.977
The ARRS - research activity funds 1.220.378
Other budgetary sources (other ministries and budgets of local communities) 117.096
The European budget - community programmes 927.590
Public service - other 147.053
Funds acquired from the sale of merchandise 41.853
SUM in 2022 5.637.995


Dean: Prof. Ademir Hujdurović, PhD

Vice-Dean for Science and Research: Prof. Marko Orel, PhD

Vice-Dean for Education: Prof. Dunja Bandelj, PhD

Vice-Dean for Quality Assurance: Prof. Elena Bužan, PhD

Departments' Chairs:

Faculty's Secretary, Head of Administration: Nataša Vraneš


University of Primorska
Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies
Glagoljaška 8
SI-6000 Koper

Phone: + 386 (5) 611 75 70 (Administration)
Phone: + 386 (5) 611 75 75 (Student Services)
Fax:     + 386 (5) 611 75 71