Vpliv biotopa na genetsko variabilnost, fitnes osebkov in embrionalno diapauzo pri Evropski srni
natisniPredstavitev projekta
Naslov projekta: Vpliv biotopa na genetsko variabilnost, fitnes osebkov in embrionalno diapauzo pri Evropski srni
Šifra projekta: N1-0281
Vodja projekta: prof. dr. Elena Bužan
Vodilna institucija: UP FAMNIT
Partnerske institucije: Visoka šola za varstvo okolja, Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poljska)
Financer projekta: Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARIS)
Vrsta projekta: Mednarodni temeljni projekt (WEAVE)
Raziskovalno področje (ARIS): 1.03 Biologija
Trajanje projekta: 1. 1. 2023–31. 12. 2026
Letni obseg projekta: 0,96 FTE (1640 raziskovalnih ur)
Člani raziskovalnega projekta:
Ime in priimek | Vloga na projektu | Organizacija | Evidenčna št.: |
prof. dr. Elena Bužan | vodja projekta / PI | UP FAMNIT | 24375 |
dr. Tilen Komel | raziskovalec / researcher | UP FAMNIT | 53504 |
dr. Felicita Urzi | raziskovalec / researcher | UP FAMNIT | 34584 |
Aja Bončina | tehnični sodelavec / technical staff | UP FAMNIT | 56934 |
prof. dr. Boštjan Pokorny | raziskovalec / researcher | FVO | 18112 |
Opis projekta:
Evropska srna je ena najpogostejših vrst parkljarjev in pomembna lovna vrsta v Evropi. Zaradi svoje vseevropske razširjenosti se sooča z raznolikimi okoljskimi in podnebnimi dejavniki, ki skupaj z intrinzičnimi dejavniki oblikujejo ključne značilnosti njenih življenjskih strategij, kot so fitnes, imunski odziv oziroma odpornost ter mikrobiom prebavil. Prav zato lahko srnjad služi kot modelna vrsta za preučevanje dolgoročnega vpliva okoljskih dejavnikov na biološke procese in genetsko variabilnost.
Dosedanje ekološke raziskave so prepoznale dva ekotipa srnjadi: poljski ekotip, ki se bistveno razlikuje od srnjadi, ki živi pretežno v gozdovih ali gozdnih krajinskih območjih (t. i. gozdni ekotip). Različne krajinske značilnosti vplivajo na razpoložljivost prehranskih virov med ekotipi, kar povzroča razlike v telesni velikosti in masi ter v ekologiji in fiziologiji pripadnikov obeh ekotipov. Pomembno je poudariti, da je prekrivanje med ekotipi zaradi teritorialnega vedenja in navezanosti na življenjski okoliš matere zelo redko.
Populacije srnjadi, ki živijo v odprtih pokrajinah s spremenljivimi podnebnimi razmerami in omejenim zatočiščem, a z večjo razpoložljivostjo hranilno bogatih prehranskih virov, so v povprečju večje in težje od populacij, ki prebivajo v gozdovih. Na Poljskem prevladuje gozdni ekotip srnjadi, saj več kot 30 % države prekrivajo gozdovi, medtem ko prostrana kmetijska območja osrednje Poljske naseljuje poljski ekotip. Na primerljivem območju osrednje Slovenije, ki je vključeno v projekt, prevladuje mozaična pokrajina (gozdovi z odprtimi kmetijskimi površinami; gozdnatost 50–60 %) in mešani ekotip.
Splošni cilj projekta:
Cilj projekta je oceniti povezavo med genomsko variabilnostjo in epigenetskimi mehanizmi okoljsko izbranih parametrov fitnesa prežvekovalcev, pri čemer je srnjad uporabljena kot modelna vrsta.
Hipoteze projekta:
- Genetska heterogenost srnjadi se razlikuje med habitati in vrstami biotopov ter vpliva na fitnes posameznika.
- Dovzetnost za stres se razlikuje glede na okolje.
- Telesna kondicija in imunost srnjadi se razlikujeta med posameznimi biotopi.
- Raznovrstnost mikrobne združbe prebavil je odvisna od razpoložljive prehranske baze v biotopu in je v korelaciji z imunostjo ter dovzetnostjo za stres.
- Na dolžino embrionalne diapavze vplivajo biotop matere in okoljski dejavniki, kot so razpoložljivost/kakovost hrane, socialni odnosi in/ali izpostavljenost stresu.
Naloge projekta:
- T1: Ocena heterogenosti srnjadi med biotopi.
- T2: Ocena dovzetnosti srnjadi za različne stresne dejavnike glede na biotop.
- T3: Povezave med prehrano, mikrobno združbo prebavil in različnimi biotopi.
- T4: Povezava med biotopom in nagnjenostjo k vnetnim procesom.
- T5: Vpliv dejavnikov na regulacijo embrionalne diapavze.
Uporabnost rezultatov
Podnebne spremembe in človekove dejavnosti povzročajo spremembe življenjskih okolij živali, zato je pomembno razumeti življenjske strategije, raven stresa in dobro počutje srnjadi v različnih biotopih. Genetska diferenciacija srnjadi, ki prebiva v enakih podnebnih razmerah, vendar v različnih biotopih, še ni bila raziskana. Naselitev različnih biotopov pomeni izpostavljenost različnim stresorjem, kar bomo ocenili z meritvami koncentracije kortizola in kopeptina v iztrebkih, krvi, dlaki in urinu. Rezultati meritev bodo omogočili profiliranje in korelacijo stresnih parametrov neposredno pred smrtjo posameznika (v krvi), v zadnjih 24 urah (v urinu in iztrebkih) ter v obdobju več mesecev (retrospektivni profil; dlaka).
Razpoložljivost prehranskih virov se spreminja glede na letni čas in tip habitata, kar neposredno vpliva na mikrobno združbo prebavil. Različne prehranske baze povzročajo spremembe mikrobioma, kar posledično vpliva na asimilacijo hranil in telesno pripravljenost. Primerjava osnovne sestave prehranskih virov, mikrobioma prebavil, vsebnosti hranil in imunosti na različnih območjih (ekotipih) bo omogočila določitev ugodnejšega življenjskega okolja za srnjad.
Pristop vitrifikacije jajčnih celic, zorenja, oploditve in vitro ter gojenja blastociste, ki bo razvit v projektu, predstavlja inovacijo in se lahko uporablja kot reprodukcijska tehnika pri parkljarjih.
Faze projekta in opis njihove realizacije:
Genetska struktura Evropske srne
Genetsko strukturo bomo poleg analize odsekov genov za mitohodrijsko DNA raziskovali tudi s sekvenciranjem celotnih genomov, kar bo omogočilo še podrobnejši vpogled v genetsko raznolikost evropske srne v Evropi ter osvetlilo njeno filogeografijo in populacijsko strukturo. Analizirali smo mitohondrijsko in jedrno DNA evropske srne, kar je omogočilo širše razumevanje evolucijske zgodovine vrste in razlik med biotopi. Ključni ugotovitvi vseh treh raziskav sta, da je bila populacijska dinamika srne močno oblikovana s postglacialnimi migracijami in da je v vzhodni Evropi prisotna introgresija sibirske linije. Genetska raznolikost je najvišja v srednji in vzhodni Evropi, pri čemer so obrobna območja populacijsko bolj homogena. Razlike med mtDNA in jedrnimi markerji kažejo na različne stopnje genske introgresije in vpliv geografskih pregrad na genski pretok. Skupni rezultati raziskav, vključno s podatki pridobljenimi s sekvenciranjem celotnih genomov, prispevajo k razumevanju vplivov podnebnih sprememb in človekovih aktivnosti na gensko strukturo evropske srne. Nadaljujemo z analizami celotnih genomov
Variabilnost genov poglavitnega histokompatibilnega kompleksa
Analizirali smo variabilnost poglavitnega histokompatibilnega kompleksa pri srnah v Sloveniji ter njegovo vlogo pri prilagoditvi na okoljske dejavnike. Odkrili smo deset alelov MHC, vključno s tremi novimi, in ugotovili dokaze o zgodovinskem pozitivnem selekcijskem pritisku na nekatere kodone. Analiza je pokazala, da MHC polimorfizem ni v celoti skladen z nevtralno genetsko strukturo populacije, kar kaže na vpliv uravnotežene selekcije. Nadaljujejo z analizami imunogenoma s pomočjo sekvenciranja celotnega genoma.
Dovzetnost srnjadi za različne stresorje
V tej fazi smo vzorčili urin, dlako, krvno plazmo in iztrebke istih osebkov kot pri prejšnji analizi. Dovzetnost za stres bomo ocenili z določanjem kopeptina in kortizola z uporabo ELISA testa. Analizirali bomo korelacijo med tipom analiziranega materiala, biotopom in zdravstvenim stanjem živ
Povezanost med prehrano in mikrobioto srnjadi
S pomočjo sestave prehrane bomo preverili povezavo med vsebnostjo hranil (beljakovine, vlaknine, maščobe in brezdušikovi ekstrakti) ter mikrofloro. Identificirali bomo rastline in mikrobito s pomočjo sekvenciranje naslednje generacije.
Dovzetnost srnjadi za vnetne procese
V krvi bomo določili število rdečih in belih krvnih celic, koncentracijo hemoglobina, vsebnost albumina, kreatinina in sečnine, razmerje med različnimi vrstami belih krvnih celic ter raven krožečih protiteles. Analize bomo izvedli z biokemičnimi in hematološkimi veterinarskimi analizatorji. Raven IgG bomo določili z metodo EIA. V različnih tkivih bomo določili izražanje mRNA in beljakovin z PCR v realnem času in Western blottom za: TLRs (1-10), MHC-I, MHC-II, TNFα, IL-1β in IL-6.
Vloga materinskih dejavnikov pri uravnavanju embrionalne diapavze
Izvedli smo preliminarni poskus ocene kakovosti epididimalnih spermijev in kriokonzervacije. Zbrali smo epididimalne spermije samcev srnjadi po uplenitvi v času paritvene sezone (konec julija – začetek avgusta; N=10 na biotop). Določili smo koncentracijo spermijev, njihovo gibljivost (CASA sistem), integriteto plazemske membrane (PMI, %; SYBR-14/PI), membranski potencial mitohondrijev (MMP, %; JC-1/PI) ter fragmentacijo DNA (DFI, %; akridinska oranž).
Ocenjevanje oploditve in vitro ter gojenje zarodkov do blastociste
Oocite bomo izolirali iz ovarijske rezerve in vitrificirali. Po odmrzovanju bomo aspirirali komplekse kumulus-oocit (COC) iz folikularne tekočine, jih selekcionirali ter razvrstili kot zrele ali nezrele. Zrele bomo takoj oplodili, nezrele pa najprej kultivirali do zrelosti in vitro. Oplojene zigote bomo kultivirali do blastociste, pri čemer bomo v COC analizirali izražanje mRNA markerjev kakovosti (CTS, BAX/BCL2, AREG, EREG), stopnjo ekspanzije kumulusa ter raven glukoze v gojitvenem mediju. Kakovost blastocist bomo ocenili z mRNA izražanjem OCT4, SOX2 in PLAC8 (PCR v realnem času). Končni rezultat bo odstotek dobljenih blastocist glede na zrele folikle. Steroidne hormone, PRL in LIF bomo v plazmi in gojitvenem mediju določili s pristopom LC-MS.
Vpliv materinskih regulatorjev na uravnavanje diapavze
Morule (5. dan po oploditvi) bomo stimulirali s P4, E4, PRL in LIF ter njihov učinek ocenili z izražanjem mRNA ključnih dejavnikov za implantacijo (HB-EGF, ODC-1, c-Myc) z metodo PCR v realnem času. Kulturo bomo nadaljevali do stadija izvaljene blastociste (največ do 9. dne). Doze stimulativnih dejavnikov bomo določili na podlagi predhodnih eksperimentov in obstoječe literature. Učinek stimulacije bomo primerjali z izražanjem pri kontrolnih blastocistah iz prejšnjega eksperimenta. Gojitvene medije bomo shranili za analizo ravni glukoze.
Project presentationna vrh
Title: Biotope influence on genetic diversity, fitness traits and embryonic diapause in the European roe deer
Project acronym: N1-0281
Leading institution: UP FAMNIT
Partner institutions: Faculty of Environmental Protection, Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
Principal investigator: prof. dr. Elena Bužan
Funding organization: Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS)
Research field (ARIS): 1.03 - Biology
Duration: 1. 1. 2023–31. 12. 2026
European roe deer is one of the most common ungulates and an important game species, which is spread throughout Europe. Across its pan-European distribution, it faces a wide diversity of environmental and climatic conditions, therefore several factors, including intrinsic ones, shape its life-history traits, welfare as well as immune and microbiome status, causing significant variability among fitness traits. Therefore, roe deer can serve as a model species for studying the long-term effect of environmental factors on biological processes and genetic background. In previous studies on roe deer ecology, a distinct field ecotype of European roe deer was recognised, which significantly differs from roe deer living mainly in forests or forest landscape (i.e., forest ecotype). Different landscape features affecting availability of resources between the ecotypes lead to inter-ecotype differences in body size and body mass, but also in their distinct ecology and physiology; importantly, because of the territorial behaviour and high site fidelity of roe deer compared to other cervids, admixing between each of two ecotypes is not common. Roe deer which live in open landscapes with more severe and variable climatic conditions and limited shelter but with higher availability of nutrient-rich food are in average larger and heavier compared to their counterparts living mainly in forests. Almost 30% of Poland is covered by forests, and forest ecotype of roe deer is prevalent there. On the contrary, Central Poland mainly contains agriculture areas, where field ecotype developed. In a comparative area of central Slovenia, mosaic landscape (forests with open agriculture land; forest cover 50–60%) is prevalent.
General aim: to assess the association between genomic diversity and epigenetic mechanisms of environmental selected parameters of ruminant fitness by using the European roe deer as a model species.
We hypothesized that:
- Roe deer genetic heterogeneity differs between habitats, and the type of biotope affects the fitness of the individual.
- Susceptibility to stress varies with the environment.
- Body condition and immune status of roe deer differ between biotopes.
- Rumen microbiota depends on the available feeding base in the biotope and correlates with immune status and stress susceptibility.
- The duration of embryonic diapause depends on the biotope of the mother and is regulated by environmental factors, such as food availability/quality, social relations, and/or exposure to stress.
The following tasks (T) will be realized:
- T1 – Heterogeneity of roe deer across biotopes
- T2 – Susceptibility of roe deer to different stressors according to the biotope
- T3 – Connections between diet, rumen microbiota and rumen content in roe deer across biotopes
- T4 – Correlation between biotope and predisposition to inflammatory processes in roe deer
- T5 – Involvement of maternal factors in embryonic diapause regulation in the roe deer ecotypes.
Applicability of the project results:
Considering how climatic changes and human alterations of the landscape might change habitat availability, it is important to understand the effect of different biotopes on the life history, stress level and welfare of roe deer. Genetic differentiation between roe deer living in the same climatic conditions, but in different biotopes, has not been determined yet. Furthermore, the colonization of different biotopes entails the exposure of individuals to different stressors, which will be measured through cortisol and copeptin concentrations in faeces, blood, hair, and urine. It will allow us to profile and correlate stress parameters immediately prior to death of the individual (blood), over the last 24 h (urine, faeces), and over the course of several months (retrospective profile; hair).
Food availability varies across habitats and seasons, and nutrition may affect the rumen microflora. Indeed, particular food items might trigger changes in biome of rumen and consequently assimilation of nutrition and body condition. Comparison of forage base composition, rumen microbiota, nutrient content and immune parameters in different areas (and ecotypes) will indicate which habitat is beneficial for roe deer.
The approach of oocyte vitrification, maturation, in vitro fertilization and culture of blastocyst, which will be developed in the project, is innovative, and may be used as reproductive technique in cervid species.
Project phases and description of their implementation
Genetic Structure of the European roe deer
In addition to the analysis of mitochondrial DNA gene segments, whole-genome sequencing will be conducted to provide a more detailed insight into the genetic diversity of European roe deer across Europe and to clarify its phylogeography and population structure. Both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA will be analyzed, allowing for a broader understanding of the species evolutionary history and differences between habitats. It is expected that postglacial migrations will have significantly shaped roe deer population dynamics, and that introgression of the Siberian lineage will be present in Eastern Europe. The highest genetic diversity will likely be observed in Central and Eastern Europe, while peripheral populations will appear to be more homogeneous. Differences between mtDNA and nuclear markers will indicate varying levels of genetic introgression and the influence of geographical barriers on gene flow. The combined results, including data obtained from whole-genome sequencing, will contribute to understanding the effects of climate change and human activities on the genetic structure of the European roe deer. Whole-genome analyses will be continued.
Variability of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes
The variability of MHC genes in roe deer in Slovenia will be analyzed to determine its role in adaptation to environmental factors. Ten MHC alleles, including three new ones, will be identified, and evidence of historical positive selection pressure on certain codons will be found. The analysis is expected to show that MHC polymorphism will not fully align with the neutral genetic structure of the population, indicating the influence of balancing selection. Further immunogenomic analyses will be conducted using whole-genome sequencing.
Susceptibility of European roe deer to different stressors
Urine, hair, plasma, and feces will be collected from the same individuals analyzed previously. Stress susceptibility will be assessed by determining copeptin and cortisol levels using ELISA tests. The correlation between the type of sampled material, habitat, and the health condition of the animals will be analyzed.
Relationship between diet and European roe deer microbiota
The relationship between nutrient content (proteins, fiber, fat, and nitrogen-free extracts) and microbiota will be examined based on dietary composition analysis. Plant species and microbiota will be identified using next-generation sequencing (NGS).
Susceptibility of European roe deer to inflammatory processes
Red and white blood cell counts, hemoglobin concentration, albumin, creatinine, and urea levels, as well as white blood cell distribution and circulating antibody levels, will be determined in blood samples using biochemical and hematological veterinary analyzers. The level of IgG will be measured with an EIA assay. In various tissues, mRNA and protein expression will be analyzed using real-time PCR and Western blot for TLRs (1-10), MHC-I, MHC-II, TNFα, IL-1β, and IL-6.
The role of maternal factors in the regulation of embryonic diapause
Preliminary experiment: evaluation of epididymal sperm quality and cryopreservation A preliminary study will be conducted to assess epididymal sperm quality and cryopreservation. Epididymal sperm will be collected post-mortem from roe deer males during the rutting season (late July – early August; N=10 per habitat). Sperm concentration, motility (CASA system), plasma membrane integrity (PMI, %; SYBR-14/PI), mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP, %; JC-1/PI), and DNA fragmentation (DFI, %; acridine orange) will be determined.
Evaluation of In vitro fertilization and embryo culture to the blastocyst stage
Oocytes will be isolated from ovarian reserves and vitrified. After thawing, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) will be aspirated from follicular fluid, selected, and classified as either mature or immature. Mature oocytes will be fertilized immediately, while immature ones will be cultured to reach maturity in vitro. Fertilized zygotes will be cultured to the blastocyst stage, and mRNA expression of quality markers (CTS, BAX/BCL2, AREG, EREG), cumulus expansion levels, and glucose concentration in the culture medium will be analyzed. Blastocyst quality will be assessed by measuring mRNA expression of OCT4, SOX2, and PLAC8 using real-time PCR. The final outcome will be the percentage of blastocysts obtained relative to matured follicles. Steroid hormones, PRL, and LIF levels will be determined in plasma and culture medium using an LC-MS-based approach.
Influence of maternal regulators on diapause regulation
Morulas (5th day post-insemination) from all three habitats will be stimulated with P4, E4, PRL, and LIF, and their effects will be assessed by measuring mRNA expression of key implantation factors (HB-EGF, ODC-1, c-Myc) using real-time PCR. Culture will be continued until the hatched blastocyst stage (maximum 9th day of culture). The doses of stimulatory factors will be determined based on preliminary experiments and existing literature. The effects of stimulation will be compared with expression levels in control blastocysts from the previous experiment. Culture media will be collected for glucose level analysis.
Znanstvene objave / Scientific publications:
BUŽAN, Elena, POTOČNIK, Hubert, POKORNY, Boštjan, POTUŠEK, Sandra, IACOLINA, Laura, GERIČ, Urška, URZI, Felicita, KOS, Ivan. Molecular analysis of scats revealed diet and prey choice of grey wolves and Eurasian lynx in the contact zone between the Dinaric Mountains and the Alps. Frontiers in zoology. 2024, 21, art. 9, str. 1-15. ISSN 1742-9994. [COBISS.SI-ID 189563139] https://doi.org/10.1186/s12983-024-00530-6
NIEDZIAŁKOWSKA, Magdalena, PLIS, Kamila, MARCZUK, Barbara, LANG, Johannes, HEDDERGOTT, Mike, TIAINEN, Juha, DANILKIN, Aleksey A., KHOLODOVA, Marina, ZVYCHAYNAYA, Elena, KASHININA, Nadezhda, POKORNY, Boštjan, FLAJŠMAN, Katarina, et al. Genetic diversity and complex structure of the European Roe Deer population at a continental scale. Journal of mammalogy. 2024, vol. 105, iss. 1, str. 73-84. ISSN 0022-2372. [COBISS.SI-ID 171688195] https://doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyad098
PLIS, Kamila, NIEDZIAŁKOWSKA, Magdalena, BOROWIK, Tomasz, LANG, Johannes, HEDDERGOTT, Mike, TIAINEN, Juha, BUNEVICH, Aleksey, ŠPREM, Nikica, PAULE, Ladislav, DANILKIN, Aleksey A., KHOLODOVA, Marina, ZVYCHAYNAYA, Elena, KASHININA, Nadezhda, POKORNY, Boštjan, FLAJŠMAN, Katarina, et al. Pan-European phylogeography of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Ecology and evolution. 2022, iss. 5, art. e8931, 14 str. ISSN 2045-7758. [COBISS.SI-ID 109222915] https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8931
PLIS, Kamila, NIEDZIAŁKOWSKA, Magdalena, BOROWIK, Tomasz, LANG, Johannes, HEDDERGOTT, Mike, TIAINEN, Juha, BUNEVICH, Aleksey, ŠPREM, Nikica, PAULE, Ladislav, DANILKIN, Aleksey A., KHOLODOVA, Marina, POKORNY, Boštjan, FLAJŠMAN, Katarina, et al. Mitochondrial DNA diversity and the population genetic structure of contemporary roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Europe. Mammalian biology. 2022, vol. 102, str. 1743–1754. ISSN 1618-1476. [COBISS.SI-ID 115627779] https://doi.org/10.1007/s42991-022-00274-y
CHIRICHELLA, Roberta, APOLLONIO, Marco, POKORNY, Boštjan, DE MARINIS, Anna Maria. Sex-specific impact of tooth wear on senescence in a low-dimorphic mammal species: the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Journal of zoology. 2023, vol. 319, iss. 3, str. 210-220. ISSN 0952-8369. [COBISS.SI-ID 132335875] https://doi.org/10.1111/jzo.13038
BUŽAN, Elena, POTUŠEK, Sandra, DUNIŠ, Luka, POKORNY, Boštjan. Neutral and selective processes shape MHC diversity in roe deer in Slovenia. Animals. 2022, iss. 6, art. 723, str. 1-17, ilustr. ISSN 2076-2615. [COBISS.SI-ID 100987907] https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/12/6/723/htm
GERIČ, Urška, POKORNY, Boštjan, CERRI, Jacopo, BUŽAN, Elena. Genetska struktura in njen vpliv na telesne mase in razmnoževalni potencial mladic srnjadi v Sloveniji = Genetic structure and its influence on body mass and reproductive ability of European roe deer female yearlings in Slovenia. Zlatorogov zbornik. 2022, letn. ix, št. 9, str. 61-84, ilustr. ISSN 2232-6499. https://www.lovska-zveza.si/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Geric%CC%8C_web.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 144847107]
Povzetki na konferencah /Conference abstracts:
POTOČNIK, Hubert, POKORNY, Boštjan. Patterns of early fawn mortality in roe deer in Slovenia and the potential of new methods to determine them better. V: KONJEVIĆ, Dean (ur.), BUJANIĆ, Miljenko (ur.), ŠKVORC, Nikolina (ur.). Book of abstracts 2022 : 10th International Deer Biology Congress, Osijek, Croatia 4th-9th September 2022. 10th International Deer Biology Congress, Osijek, Croatia 4th-9th September 2022. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Veterinary Faculty; Osijek: University J. J. Strossmayer, Faculty of Agrobitechnical Sciences Osijek, 2022. Str. 95. ISBN 978-953-8006-39-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 135173635]
BUŽAN, Elena, POBEGA, Urška, DUNIŠ, Luka, ZIRKELBACH, Lan. Razvoj in implementacija metode za določitev sorodnosti Evropske srne (Capreolus capreolus) ujete za namene telemetričnega spremljanja v sklopu projekta LIFE WOLFALPS EU = Development and implementation of a method for determining the kinship of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), captured for the telemetry monitoring purposes as part of the LIFE WOLFALPS EU project. Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije (UP FAMNIT), 2024. 12 str., tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 210733315]
BUŽAN, Elena, KOMEL, Tilen, GERIČ, Urška, SOLITTO, Marco, POKORNY, Boštjan, KONONIUK, Anna, KORZEKWA, Anna. Exploring ecotype adaptation in European roe deer. V: KRANJC BREZAR, Simona (ur.), ČEMAŽAR, Maja (ur.), MARKELC, Boštjan (ur.). 10th Congress of the Genetic Society of Slovenia & 10th meeting of the Slovenian Society for Human Genetics: book of abstracts: September 25th-28th 2024, Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica, Portorož, Slovenia]. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Genetic Society of Slovenia: Slovenian Society of Human Genetics, 2024. Str. 132. ISBN 978-961-93545-9-9. https://genetika24.sgd.si/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Gen24_Book_of_Abstracts_Web.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 228904963]
LECEWICZ, Marek, KORZEKWA, Anna, KONONIUK, Anna, BUŽAN, Elena, POKORNY, Boštjan, PURPUROWICZ, Zbigniew, KORDAN, Władysław. Wpływ ekotypu na parametry jakościowe kriokonserwowanego nasienia kozła (Capreolus capreolus). V: Perspektywy w ochronie bioróżnorodności : VI sympozjum : bio różnorodność. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 22. [COBISS.SI-ID 229166339]
KORZEKWA, Anna, KONONIUK, Anna, BUŽAN, Elena, POKORNY, Boštjan, LECEWICZ, Marek, KORDAN, Władysław. Evaluation of the effectiveness of gamete preservation in roe deer. V: Conference book: 10th Meeting of the Society for Biology of Reproduction: Warsaw, September 12th - 14th, 2024. [S. l.: s. n., 2024]. Str. 53. https://tbr2024.syskonf.pl/conf-data/tbr2024/files/Abstract%20Book_www_update4-1.pdf. [COBISS.SI-ID 229242371]
Diplomska in magistrska dela / Bachelor and master thesis:
KRSTIĆ, Minja. Odlov in spremljanje zgodnje smrtnosti mladičev evropske srne v submediteranski Sloveniji : magistrsko delo = Catching and monitoring of early mortality of European roe deer fawns in sub-mediterranean Slovenia. Koper: [M. Krstić], 2022. IX, 48 str., pril., ilustr. https://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/studij/zakljucna_dela/view/1129, Repozitorij Univerze na Primorskem - RUP. [COBISS.SI-ID 137693187]
DUNIŠ, Luka. Variabilnost genov PHK pri evropski srni (Capreolus capreolus) kot posledica nevtralnih in selektivnih procesov : magistrsko delo = Neutral and selective processes shape MHC diversity in European roe deer (capreolus capreolus) : master's thesis. Koper: [L. Duniš], 2022. X, 53 str., pril., ilustr. Repozitorij Univerze na Primorskem - RUP. [COBISS.SI-ID 149417475]
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