Personalizirana medicina vaskulitisa IgA
natisniPredstavitev projekta
Naslov: Personalizirana medicina vaskulitisa IgA
Šifra projekta: J7-60132
Vodilna institucija: Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana
Partnerske institucije:
- UL Medicinska Fakulteta
- Inštitut Jožef Stefan
Vodja projekta na UP FAMNIT: dr. Matjaž Hladnik
Financer projekta: Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARIS)
Raziskovalno področje (ARIS): 3.01 Mikrobiologija in Imunologija
Vrsta projekta: Temeljni raziskovalni projekt
Trajanje projekta: 1. 1. 2025–31. 12. 2027
Oddelek UP FAMNIT, v okviru katerega se izvaja projekt:
Oddelek za aplikativno naravoslovje
Project presentationna vrh
Title: Precision medicine in IgA vasculitis
Project acronym: J7-60132
Leading institution: Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana
Partner institutions:
- UL Medicinska Fakulteta
- Inštitut Jožef Stefan
Principal investigator at UP FAMNIT: dr. Matjaž Hladnik
Funding organization: Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS)
Research field (ARIS): 3.01 Microbiology and immunology
Duration: 1. 1. 2025–31. 12. 2027
Project will elucidate IgA vasculitis (IgAV), which is still a poorly defined disease in adults, especially in the field of pathogenesis, as well as treatment guidelines. The project will provide a more in-depth insight into the cellular and molecular mechanisms of IgAV that have not yet been exposed. To this end, we plan to use innovative methods and technologies (e.g. CyTOF, RNA sequencing, transcriptomics) that will allow us to identify different IgAV subtypes and the severity of the disease (specifically targeting gastrointestinal or renal impairment) and potential therapeutic targets. This will improve and optimize the initial treatment of patients with IgAV and, at the same time, the state of the art methods could be included as part of standard investigations in the future. This is important because such an approach could be applied to other inflammatory blood vessel diseases.