Higher-level bibliographic services
printProject presentation
Title: Higher-level bibliographic services
Project acronym: J5-4596
Leading institution: UP FAMNIT
Principal investigator: prof. dr. Vladimir Batagelj
Partner institutions:
- UL The Faculty of Arts
- Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics
Funding organization: Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARRS)
Research field (ARRS): 5.13.00 - Information science and librarianship
Duration: 1. 10. 2022 - 30. 9. 2025
The objectives of the project include the identification of potential higher-level services, the development of several prototype bibliographic analyses and appropriate tools, according to the needs of the selected end-users. The development of methods and algorithms for the qualitative identification of bibliographic units based on the analysis of bibliographic networks. This will allow us to implement process flows that can be used in bibliographic databases to obtain periodically refreshed high quality and up-to-date bibliographic data. Further development of methodologies and algorithms for the analysis of bibliographic networks based on our previous research (binary networks, temporal networks and temporal volumes), motivated by a temporal analysis of the evolution of science (based on preprints).