Discrete combinatorial objects in the spectral domain - intersection analysis
printProject presentation
Title: Discrete combinatorial objects in the spectral domain - intersection analysis
Project acronym: J1-4084
Leading institution: UP FAMNIT
Principal investigator: prof. dr. Enes Pasalic
Partner institutions:
Funding organization: Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARRS)
Research field (ARRS): 1.01.00 - Natural sciences and mathematics
Duration: 1.10.2022 - 30.9.2025
The main objective of this project is to provide further analysis of some combinatorial objects of key importance in cryptography, arising from some difficult problems in discrete mathematics involving discrete exponential sums. More precisely, there are special classes of polynomially finite fields which have exceptional (optimal) properties with respect to two well-established cryptanalytic methods, differential and linear cryptanalysis.These classes of functions (or polynomials) are called APN functions (almost perfectly nonlinear) and AB functions (almost bent), whose general design methods have not yet been developed. The ultimate goal is to investigate the behaviour of component functions in the spectral domain and to develop some theoretical results related to the design of AB and APN functions.