University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies

GUEST UP 16 - 18


Project Hosting foreign experts and professors at the University of Primorska (GUEST UP) provides co-financing for hosting foreign experts. UP FAMNIT plans to invite 34 visiting professors in study years 2016/2017 and 2017/2018.

Visiting professors will be coming from: Russia, USA, Croatia, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Hungary, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Finland and Spain.

The main objective of the call coincides perfectly with the overall aim of UP FAMNIT to enhance the internationalization of its study and research processes and open itself to the international higher education and research sphere.

Investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the European Social Fund. 


Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Bojan Hamer, PhD (Center for Marine research, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia)

Period of visit: 2016/11/8–2016/12/20

Study programme and courses: Nature Conservation (MSc): Marine ecotoxicology

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Wolfgang Huerst, PhD (Utrecht University, Netherlands)

Period of visit: 2016/11/27–2016/12/11

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (BSc): Selected Topics in Human-Computer Interaction

More about the visit at UP FAMNIT.

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Peter Mackelworth, PhD (Blue World Institute of Marine Reserach and Conservation, Croatia)

Period of visit: 2016/11/14–2016/11/29 and 2017/3/6 –2016/3/23

Study programme and courses: Nature Conservation (MSc): Marine Conservation Biology, Marine Protected Areas: Social Aspects, The Human Dimension in Conservation Sciences

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. David DeVallance, PhD (West Virginia University, USA)

Period of visit: 2017/1/18–2017/8/14

Study programme and courses: Management of sustainable development (MSc): Management of renewable resources

Lecturer: Ana Grdović Gnip, PhD (Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia)

Period of visit: 2017/2/21–2017/6/6

Study programme and courses: Mathematics in Economics and Finance (BSc), Mathematics with Financial Engineering (MSc): Financial Markets, Macroeconomics, Seminar

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dijana Pavičić Hamer, PhD (Center for Marine research, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia)

Period of visit: 2017/3/10–2017/4/7

Study programme and courses: Nature Conservation (MSc): Ecophysiology of Marine Animals

Lecturer: Prof. Aaron Quigley, PhD (University of St Andrews, UK)

Period of visit: 2017/3/5–2017/3/26

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (BSc): Augmented Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, MARA Seminar

More about the visit at UP FAMNIT.

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Miklos Kresz, PhD (University of Szeged, Hungary)

Period of visit: 2017/4/18–2017/6/9

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (MSc): Selected Topics in Theoretical Computer Science

Lecturer: Marcin Anholcer, PhD (Poznan Univeristy of Economics and Business, Poland)

Period of visit: 2017/5/8–2017/6/9

Study programme and courses: Mathematics in Economics and Finance (BSc): Financial Mathematics

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Andrew Paul Fabel, PhD (Mississippi State University, USA)

Period of visit: 2017/5/5–2017/7/8

Study programme and courses: Mathematics (BSc)Topology

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Jonathan Woody, PhD (Mississippi State University, USA)

Period of visit: 2017/5/5–2017/5/22

Study programme and courses: Mathematics (BSc): Mathematical Topics in English

LecturerProf. Paul Coulton, PhD (Lancaster University, UK)

Period of visit: 2017/5/30–2017/6/2

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (BSc)Augmented Reality, Computer Practicum II

LecturerAdrian Gradinar (Lancaster University, UK)

Period of visit: 2017/5/30–2017/6/4

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (BSc)Computer Practicum II

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Marco Alberto Luca Zuffi, PhD (University of PisaMuseum Natural History, Italy)

Period of visit: 2017/10/22-2017/10/28

Study programme and courses: Nature Conservation (MSc)Herpetology

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Mladen Kučinić (University of Zagreb, Croatia)

Period of visit: 2018/1/9-2018/1/11

Study programme and courses: Nature Conservation (MSc): Entomology

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Sylwia Cichacz-Przeniosło (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)

Period of visit: 2018/2/19-2018/5/22

Study programme and courses: Mathematics (BSc), Mathematical Sciences (MSc and PhD): Seminar - Final Project Paper, Selected Topics in Algebra I, Advanced Mathematical Course I, Mathematical Research Seminar

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Jens Grubert, PhD (Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany)

Period of visit: 2018/2/19 - 2018/3/9

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (BSc and MSc): Augmented Reality, MARA Seminar

Lecturer: dr. István Estélyi (University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic)

Period of visit: 2018/2/22 - 2018/6/1

Study programme and courses: Mathematics (BSc), Mathematical Sciences (MSc)Mathematical Research Seminar, Seminar - Final Project Paper, Mathematical exercises, Seminar

Lecturer: Prof. Matthew Turk, PhD (University of California, Santa Barbara, ZDA)

Period of visit: 2018/3/27 - 2018/4/1

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (BSc and MSc): Augmented Reality, MARA Seminar

Lecturer: dr. Jessica Cauchard (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel)

Period of visit: 2018/4/1 - 2018/4/8

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (MSc): Selected Topics in Human-Computer Interaction, Selected Topics in Information Visualisation, MARA Seminar

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Kaveh Bazargan (Shahid Beheshti University, Iran)

Period of visit: 2018/4/6 - 2018/4/20

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (MSc): Selected Topics in Human-Computer Interaction, Selected Topics in Information Visualisation, MARA Seminar

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Ante Žuljević (Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Croatia)

Period of visit: 2018/4/17 - 2018/4/19

Study programme and course: Nature Conservation (MSc): Marine Botany

Lecturer: drNevena Kuzmanović (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Serbia)

Period of visit: 2018/4/22 - 2018/4/25

Study programme and course: Biodiversity (BSc):  Systematic Botany and Geobotany

Lecturer: Prof. Endre Boros, PhD (Rutgers University, USA)

Period of visit: 2018/5/2 - 2018/6/2

Study programme and course: Mathematics (BSc): Optimization Methods  

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Vladislav Kuboň (Charles University, Czech Republic)

Period of visit: 2018/5/4 - 2018/5/10

Study programme and course: Computer Science (BSc and MSc):  Language Technologies, MARA Seminar

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Petar Kružić (University of Zagreb, Croatia)

Period of visit: 2018/5/7 - 2018/5/11

Study programme and course: Nature Conservation (MSc):  Selected Topics in Marine Zoology

Lecturer: dr. Luis Leiva (SCILING - Machine learning for business, Spain)

Period of visit: 2018/05/12 - 2018/05/19

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (MSc): Selected Topics in Human-Computer Interaction, Selected Topics in Information Visualisation, MARA Seminar

Lecturer: Prof. Yves Crama, PhD (QUANTOM - Centre for Quantitative Methods and Operations Management, Belgium)

Period of visit: 2018/05/13 - 2018/06/09

Study programme and course: Mathematics (BSc): Optimization Methods 

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. David Obdržálek (Charles University, Czech Republic)

Period of visit: 2018/05/14 - 2018/05/18

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (BSc): Theoretical Computer Science II – Formal Languages and Computability, Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining 

Lecturer: dr. Jason Alexander (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)

Period of visit: 2018/05/20 - 2018/05/25

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (MSc): Selected Topics in Human-Computer Interaction, Selected Topics in Information Visualisation, MARA Seminar

Lecturer: Prof. Vladimir Gurvich, PhD (RUTCOR - Rutgers University, USA)

Period of visit: 2018/05/24 - 2018/06/02

Study programme and course: Mathematics (BSc): Mathematical Topics in English

Lecturer: Assist. Prof. Adalberto Simeone (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Period of visit: 2018/05/24 - 2018/05/29

Study programme and course: Computer Science (BSc): Augmented Reality

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Peter Chanthanakone (University of Iowa, USA)

Period of visit: 2018/05/27 - 2018/06/04

Study programme and courses: Computer Science (BSc and MSc): Augmented Reality, MARA Seminar

Lecturer: Heidi Hauffe, PhD (Fondazione E. Mach, Italy)

Period of visit: 2018/06/04 - 2018/06/06

Study programme and courses: Biodiversity and Nature Conservation (BSc and MSc): Seminar