Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Instructions for students


According to regulations and in view of the amount of work designed for these courses, the Summer School is credited with 2 ECTS. In order to collect the assigned credit points, the student must solve a certain number of problems and tasks, as required by the lecturer. These students are required to send to the organizers the following personal data (by e-mail to sygn@upr.si not later than 01.06.2016):

1. Name

2. Family Name

3. Date of birth

4. Place and country of birth

5. University

6. Study program

7. Bsc/Msc/PhD student

8. Scan of passport

Additionally, students are invited to give short (15 min) scientific presentations of their current work. Abstracts should be sent to the organizers no later than June 6, 2016.